Обсуждение: range intervals in window function frames


range intervals in window function frames

Daniel Popowich
Hello, all!

I first posted this to pgsql-general, but didn't get a definitive
answer to my question concerning if a window function feature is
scheduled or being worked on for 9.x.


I need to do moving averages over time series data and was hoping
window functions could solve the problem for me, but it doesn't look
like 8.4 or even 9.0 implementations are quite there, yet.

Currently, if I have this table:
 create table sample (     ts    timestamp,     value integer ); create index sample_ts on sample (ts);

and say I want a moving average of value over a fixed interval of five
minutes (note that this could mean varying numbers of records in each
"frame"), then I can do this:
 select *, avg_over_interval(ts, interval '5 min') from sample order by ts; 
Where avg_over_interval() is defined like this:
 create or replace function avg_over_interval(timestamp, interval)     returns numeric as $$        select avg(value)
fromsample where (($1-$2) <= ts) and (ts <= $1);     $$ language sql;

What I would LIKE to do is this:
 select *, avg(ts) over(order by ts range (interval '5 min') preceding)        from sample order by ts;

Which is way cleaner and, I assume, more efficient.

 1) Is there active work on window functions with frames over    interval ranges?
 2) If not, how can I help with that?
 3) Until the functionality is in 9.x, can I make what I'm doing more    efficient?  Is there a better way to do this
withoutwindow    functions?  (I tried an inline subquery instead of the function    call, but it was twice as slow as
Thanks all for you help.


Re: range intervals in window function frames

Alvaro Herrera
Excerpts from Daniel Popowich's message of mié dic 15 15:02:05 -0300 2010:

>   1) Is there active work on window functions with frames over
>      interval ranges?

Yeah, we had a patch for that but it was rejected; only ROWS was
implemented.  RANGE needed more work; not sure if the patch author is
working on it.

>   2) If not, how can I help with that?

I think you should ping Hitoshi Harada directly.

Álvaro Herrera <alvherre@commandprompt.com>
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

Re: range intervals in window function frames

Hitoshi Harada
2010/12/16 Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@commandprompt.com>:
> Excerpts from Daniel Popowich's message of mié dic 15 15:02:05 -0300 2010:
>>   1) Is there active work on window functions with frames over
>>      interval ranges?
> Yeah, we had a patch for that but it was rejected; only ROWS was
> implemented.  RANGE needed more work; not sure if the patch author is
> working on it.
>>   2) If not, how can I help with that?
> I think you should ping Hitoshi Harada directly.

I am not working on it right now. It needed new infrastructure in the
core, and KNNGIST might help it but I'm not sure yet. I'll see if I
can do something for 9.1 over the new year. If someone wants to write
a patch, I can help him somehow, too.


Hitoshi Harada