Обсуждение: Do magic using pg_depend


Do magic using pg_depend

Joel Jacobson

Please feel free to put any of this on the PostgreSQL wiki like
suggested by David Fetter.

This is an example of some functionality provided and used by pov
(PostgreSQL Object version control system).
Most of, if not all, this stuff has already been implemented in pg_dump,
but since pov is a SQL-based system it was necessary to implement the
same functionality
using only sql/plpgsql/plperl.

Author: Joel Jacobson, Glue Finance AB, Sweden, <joel@gluefinance.com>
Datestamp: 2011-01-13 23:42 Europe/Stockholm
License: MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)

We will learn how to do a lot of PostgreSQL-magic only by using the
nice system table "pg_depend".
Today we will,
a) create nice directional graphs of all object dependencies,
b) sort all objects in a truly sorted topological creatable order,
c) show create/drop commands for most of the objects.

Let the show begin!


$ git clone git@github.com:gluefinance/pov.git
$ cd pov
$ sh install_example_database.sh

a) Generate directional graph in DOT-format.
COPY (SELECT diagraph FROM pov.pg_depend_dot) TO '/tmp/example_database.dot';

Then use the dot (http://www.graphviz.org/) to generate graphs in svg,
png, or any format.
dot -oexample_database.png -Tpng example_database.dot
dot -oexample_database.svg -Tsvg example_database.dot

Or view it in the SQL prompt:

test=# select * from pov.pg_depend_dot;                                                         diagraph

pg_depend{    "function plpgsql_call_handler() 1255.11599.0" -> "language
plpgsql 2612.11602.0" [color=black label=n]    "function plpgsql_inline_handler(internal) 1255.11600.0" ->
"language plpgsql 2612.11602.0" [color=black label=n]    "function plpgsql_validator(oid) 1255.11601.0" -> "language
plpgsql 2612.11602.0" [color=black label=n]    "function plperl_call_handler() 1255.23562.0" -> "language plperl
2612.23565.0" [color=black label=n]    "function plperl_inline_handler(internal) 1255.23563.0" ->
"language plperl 2612.23565.0" [color=black label=n]    "function plperl_validator(oid) 1255.23564.0" -> "language
2612.23565.0" [color=black label=n]    "function f1(integer) 1255.23656.0" -> "view v4 1259.23688.0"
[color=black label=n]    "function f1(integer) 1255.23656.0" -> "constraint t3_id_check on
table t3 2606.23673.0" [color=black label=n]    "table t1 1259.23651.0" -> "table t1 column id 1259.23651.1"
[color=yellow label=an]    "table t1 column id 1259.23651.1" -> "view v1 1259.23676.0"
[color=black label=n]    "table t1 column id 1259.23651.1" -> "constraint t1_pkey on table
t1 2606.23655.0" [color=blue label=a]    "table t1 column id 1259.23651.1" -> "constraint t2_id_fkey on
table t2 2606.23664.0" [color=black label=n]    "sequence s1 1259.23657.0" -> "default for table t3 column id
2604.23672.0" [color=black label=n]    "table t2 1259.23659.0" -> "table t2 column id 1259.23659.1"
[color=yellow label=an]    "table t2 column id 1259.23659.1" -> "view v2 1259.23680.0"
[color=black label=n]    "table t2 column id 1259.23659.1" -> "constraint t2_pkey on table
t2 2606.23663.0" [color=blue label=a]    "table t2 column id 1259.23659.1" -> "constraint t2_id_fkey on
table t2 2606.23664.0" [color=blue label=a]    "table t3 1259.23669.0" -> "table t3 column id 1259.23669.1"
[color=yellow label=an]    "table t3 column id 1259.23669.1" -> "default for table t3 column
id 2604.23672.0" [color=blue label=a]    "table t3 column id 1259.23669.1" -> "constraint t3_id_check on
table t3 2606.23673.0" [color=yellow label=na]    "table t3 column id 1259.23669.1" -> "constraint t3_pkey on table
t3 2606.23675.0" [color=blue label=a]    "view v1 1259.23676.0" -> "view v1 column id 1259.23676.1"
[color=black label=n]    "view v1 column id 1259.23676.1" -> "view v3 1259.23684.0"
[color=black label=n]    "view v2 1259.23680.0" -> "view v2 column id 1259.23680.1"
[color=black label=n]    "view v2 column id 1259.23680.1" -> "view v3 1259.23684.0"
[color=black label=n]    "view v3 1259.23684.0" -> "view v3 column id1 1259.23684.1"
[color=black label=n]    "view v3 1259.23684.0" -> "view v3 column id2 1259.23684.2"
[color=black label=n]    "view v3 column id1 1259.23684.1" -> "view v4 1259.23688.0"
[color=black label=n]    "view v3 column id2 1259.23684.2" -> "view v4 1259.23688.0"
[color=black label=n]    "constraint t1_pkey on table t1 2606.23655.0" -> "constraint
t2_id_fkey on table t2 2606.23664.0" [color=black label=n]    "schema public 2615.2200.0" -> "function f1(integer)
1255.23656.0" [color=black label=n]    "schema public 2615.2200.0" -> "table t1 1259.23651.0"
[color=black label=n]    "schema public 2615.2200.0" -> "sequence s1 1259.23657.0"
[color=black label=n]    "schema public 2615.2200.0" -> "table t2 1259.23659.0"
[color=black label=n]    "schema public 2615.2200.0" -> "table t3 1259.23669.0"
[color=black label=n]    "schema public 2615.2200.0" -> "view v1 1259.23676.0" [color=black label=n]    "schema public
2615.2200.0"-> "view v2 1259.23680.0" [color=black label=n]    "schema public 2615.2200.0" -> "view v3 1259.23684.0"
[color=blacklabel=n]    "schema public 2615.2200.0" -> "view v4 1259.23688.0" [color=black label=n]}
(41 rows)

b) Sort all objects in lexically sorted order.

test=# select * from pov.pg_depend_tsort ;row_number |                description                | classid |
objid | objsubid
------------+-------------------------------------------+---------+-------+----------         1 | function
plperl_call_handler()           |    1255 |
23562 |        0         2 | function plperl_inline_handler(internal)  |    1255 |
23563 |        0         3 | function plperl_validator(oid)            |    1255 |
23564 |        0         4 | function plpgsql_call_handler()           |    1255 |
11599 |        0         5 | function plpgsql_inline_handler(internal) |    1255 |
11600 |        0         6 | function plpgsql_validator(oid)           |    1255 |
11601 |        0         7 | language plperl                           |    2612 |
23565 |        0         8 | language plpgsql                          |    2612 |
11602 |        0         9 | schema public                             |    2615 |
2200 |        0        10 | function f1(integer)                      |    1255 |
23656 |        0        11 | sequence s1                               |    1259 |
23657 |        0        12 | table t1                                  |    1259 |
23651 |        0        13 | table t1 column id                        |    1259 |
23651 |        1        14 | constraint t1_pkey on table t1            |    2606 |
23655 |        0        15 | table t2                                  |    1259 |
23659 |        0        16 | table t2 column id                        |    1259 |
23659 |        1        17 | constraint t2_id_fkey on table t2         |    2606 |
23664 |        0        18 | constraint t2_pkey on table t2            |    2606 |
23663 |        0        19 | table t3                                  |    1259 |
23669 |        0        20 | table t3 column id                        |    1259 |
23669 |        1        21 | constraint t3_id_check on table t3        |    2606 |
23673 |        0        22 | constraint t3_pkey on table t3            |    2606 |
23675 |        0        23 | default for table t3 column id            |    2604 |
23672 |        0        24 | view v1                                   |    1259 |
23676 |        0        25 | view v1 column id                         |    1259 |
23676 |        1        26 | view v2                                   |    1259 |
23680 |        0        27 | view v2 column id                         |    1259 |
23680 |        1        28 | view v3                                   |    1259 |
23684 |        0        29 | view v3 column id1                        |    1259 |
23684 |        1        30 | view v3 column id2                        |    1259 |
23684 |        2        31 | view v4                                   |    1259 |
23688 |        0
(31 rows)

c) Get create/drop commands for most of the objects:

test=# select * from pov.pg_depend_definitions ;row_number |            description             | classid | objid |
objsubid |                                 create_definition                      |                    drop_definition

       7 | language plperl                    |    2612 | 23565 |    0 | CREATE LANGUAGE plperl                    |
DROPLANGUAGE plperl         8 | language plpgsql                   |    2612 | 11602 |    0 | CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql
                | DROP LANGUAGE plpgsql         9 | schema public                      |    2615 |  2200 |    0 |
CREATESCHEMA public;ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO ubuntu                    | DROP SCHEMA public        10 | function
f1(integer)              |    1255 | 23656 |    0 | CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.f1(integer)                   +|
DROPFUNCTION public.f1(integer)           |                                    |         |       |      |  RETURNS
boolean                  +|           |                                    |         |       |      |  LANGUAGE sql
             +|           |                                    |         |       |      | AS $function$ SELECT $1 > 1;
$function$                  +|           |                                    |         |       |      | ;ALTER
FUNCTIONpublic.f1(integer) OWNER TO postgres                    |        13 | table t1 column id                 |
1259| 23651 |    1 | RAISE EXCEPTION 'Sorry, pg_class is not supported yet'                    | RAISE EXCEPTION
'Sorry,pg_class is not
supported yet'        14 | constraint t1_pkey on table t1     |    2606 | 23655 |    0 | ALTER TABLE public.t1 ADD
CONSTRAINTt1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)                    | ALTER TABLE public.t1 DROP CONSTRAINT t1_pkey        16 | table
t2column id                 |    1259 | 23659 |    1 | RAISE EXCEPTION 'Sorry, pg_class is not supported yet'
        | RAISE EXCEPTION 'Sorry, pg_class is not
supported yet'        17 | constraint t2_id_fkey on table t2  |    2606 | 23664 |    0 | ALTER TABLE public.t2 ADD
t2_id_fkey        18 | constraint t2_pkey on table t2     |    2606 | 23663 |    0 | ALTER TABLE public.t2 ADD
CONSTRAINTt2_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)                    | ALTER TABLE public.t2 DROP CONSTRAINT t2_pkey        20 | table
t3column id                 |    1259 | 23669 |    1 | RAISE EXCEPTION 'Sorry, pg_class is not supported yet'
        | RAISE EXCEPTION 'Sorry, pg_class is not
supported yet'        21 | constraint t3_id_check on table t3 |    2606 | 23673 |    0 | ALTER TABLE public.t3 ADD
(f1(id))                    | ALTER TABLE public.t3 DROP CONSTRAINT
t3_id_check        22 | constraint t3_pkey on table t3     |    2606 | 23675 |    0 | ALTER TABLE public.t3 ADD
CONSTRAINTt3_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)                    | ALTER TABLE public.t3 DROP CONSTRAINT t3_pkey        25 | view
v1column id                  |    1259 | 23676 |    1 | RAISE EXCEPTION 'Sorry, pg_class is not supported yet'
         | RAISE EXCEPTION 'Sorry, pg_class is not
supported yet'        27 | view v2 column id                  |    1259 | 23680 |    1 | RAISE EXCEPTION 'Sorry,
pg_classis not supported yet'                    | RAISE EXCEPTION 'Sorry, pg_class is not
supported yet'        29 | view v3 column id1                 |    1259 | 23684 |    1 | RAISE EXCEPTION 'Sorry,
pg_classis not supported yet'                    | RAISE EXCEPTION 'Sorry, pg_class is not
supported yet'        30 | view v3 column id2                 |    1259 | 23684 |    2 | RAISE EXCEPTION 'Sorry,
pg_classis not supported yet'                    | RAISE EXCEPTION 'Sorry, pg_class is not
supported yet'
(16 rows)

Best regards,

Joel Jacobson
Glue Finance