I just noticed in gdb that TupleDescInitEntry does not initialize
attacl, attoptions, attfdwoptions. This is probably not very serious
(otherwise we'd have bugs about it), but it is noticeable in tupdescs
constructed by the executor, at least ExecTypeFromTL:
(gdb) print *tupDesc->attrs[2]
$6 = {attrelid = 0, attname = {data = "c", '\000' <repeats 62 times>}, atttypid = 1114, attstattarget = -1, attlen =
8,attnum = 3, attphysnum = 3, attlognum = 3, attndims = 0, attcacheoff = -1, atttypmod = -1, attbyval = 1 '\001',
attstorage= 112 'p', attalign = 100 'd', attnotnull = 0 '\000', atthasdef = 0 '\000', attisdropped = 0 '\000',
attislocal= 1 '\001', attinhcount = 0, attcollation = 0, attacl = {2139062142}, attoptions = {{ vl_len_ =
"\177\177\177\177",vl_dat = "\177"}}, attfdwoptions = {{ vl_len_ = "\177\177\177\177", vl_dat = "\177"}}}
Does anybody think this is worth fixing?
Álvaro Herrera <alvherre@alvh.no-ip.org>