Обсуждение: Near-duplicate RI NO ACTION and RESTRICT triggers


Near-duplicate RI NO ACTION and RESTRICT triggers

Tom Lane
Our current interpretation of the difference between foreign keys with
is that they mean the same thing but RESTRICT checks are not deferrable.
It follows from this that the trigger code ought to be the same for
NO ACTION and RESTRICT cases, and so it occurred to me that we could
get rid of a few hundred lines in ri_triggers.c if we removed the
duplicated code.

Comparing the actual code in the different functions, though, there is
a difference: the NO ACTION triggers call ri_Check_Pk_Match to see if
another PK row has been inserted/modified to provide the same key values
that the trigger subject row no longer does.  (ri_Check_Pk_Match also
makes some checks for NULL-key cases, but these are redundant with tests
made in the main trigger functions, so they ought to go away.)  The
RESTRICT triggers do not do this.  It's fairly easy to construct a case
where it makes a difference:

create temp table pp (f1 int primary key);
create temp table cc (f1 int references pp on update no action);
insert into pp values(12);
insert into pp values(11);
update pp set f1=f1+1; -- now we have 13 and 12
insert into cc values(13); -- ok
update pp set f1=f1+1; -- now we have 14 and 13, FK is still OK
update pp set f1=f1+1; -- would result in 15 and 14, so FK fails

If you change the foreign key to be ON UPDATE RESTRICT, the second
UPDATE fails because the RESTRICT trigger doesn't notice that another
PK row has been modified to provide the key required by the FK row.

I think that the argument for having the RESTRICT triggers behave
like this is that the SQL spec envisions the RESTRICT check occurring
immediately when the individual PK row is updated/deleted, and so there
would be no opportunity for another PK row to be updated into its place.
(Or, in plainer English, RESTRICT should mean "you can't modify this
row's keys at all if it has dependents".)  Because we implement RESTRICT
through an AFTER trigger that can't run earlier than end-of-statement,
we can't exactly match the spec's semantics, but we can get fairly
close so long as you don't think about what would be seen by
e.g. user-written triggers executing during the statement.

I'm happy with continuing to have this behavioral difference between
the two sets of triggers, but wanted to throw it up for discussion:
does anyone think it'd be better to apply ri_Check_Pk_Match in the
RESTRICT triggers too?
        regards, tom lane

Re: Near-duplicate RI NO ACTION and RESTRICT triggers

Dean Rasheed
On 19 June 2012 17:48, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> I think that the argument for having the RESTRICT triggers behave
> like this is that the SQL spec envisions the RESTRICT check occurring
> immediately when the individual PK row is updated/deleted, and so there
> would be no opportunity for another PK row to be updated into its place.
> (Or, in plainer English, RESTRICT should mean "you can't modify this
> row's keys at all if it has dependents".)  Because we implement RESTRICT
> through an AFTER trigger that can't run earlier than end-of-statement,
> we can't exactly match the spec's semantics, but we can get fairly
> close so long as you don't think about what would be seen by
> e.g. user-written triggers executing during the statement.
> I'm happy with continuing to have this behavioral difference between
> the two sets of triggers, but wanted to throw it up for discussion:
> does anyone think it'd be better to apply ri_Check_Pk_Match in the
> RESTRICT triggers too?

In SQL:2008 they've re-worded the descriptions of these actions and
added an explicit note to clarify the intended difference:

— ON UPDATE RESTRICT: any change to a referenced column in the
referenced table is prohibited if there
is a matching row.
— ON UPDATE NO ACTION (the default): there is no referential update
action; the referential constraint
only specifies a constraint check.

NOTE 38 — Even if constraint checking is not deferred, ON UPDATE
RESTRICT is a stricter condition than ON UPDATE NO
ACTION. ON UPDATE RESTRICT prohibits an update to a particular row if
there are any matching rows; ON UPDATE NO
ACTION does not perform its constraint check until the entire set of
rows to be updated has been processed.

and there's a similar note in the DELETE case. So I think the current
behaviour is correct, and there are probably genuine use cases for
both types of check.
