Обсуждение: Request for Patch Feedback: Lag & Lead Window Functions Can Ignore Nulls


Request for Patch Feedback: Lag & Lead Window Functions Can Ignore Nulls

Nicholas White
> The SQL standard defines a RESPECT NULLS or IGNORE NULLS option for lead, lag, [...]. This is not implemented in PostgreSQL

I've had a go at implementing this, and I've attached the resulting patch. It's not finished yet (there's no documentation and no tests for a start), but I was hoping to find out if my solution is along the right lines.

In particular, I'm storing the ignore-nulls flag in the frameOptions of a window function definition, and am adding a function to the windowapi.h to get at these options. I'm keeping the last non-null value in WinGetPartitionLocalMemory (which I hope is the right place), but I'm not using any of the *GetDatum macros to access it.

An example of my change's behaviour:

nwhite=# select *, lag(num,0) ignore nulls over (order by generate_series) from
nwhite-# (select generate_series from generate_series(0,10)) s
nwhite-# left outer join
nwhite-# numbers n
nwhite-# on (s.generate_series = n.num);
 generate_series | num | lag
               0 |     |   
               1 |   1 |   1
               2 |     |   1
               3 |     |   1
               4 |   4 |   4
               5 |   5 |   5
               6 |     |   5
               7 |     |   5
               8 |     |   5
               9 |   9 |   9
              10 |     |   9
(11 rows)

I'd find this feature really useful, so I hope you can help me get my patch to a contributable state.

Thanks -

