Обсуждение: commit fest 2013-11 week 3 report


commit fest 2013-11 week 3 report

Peter Eisentraut
Last week's status:

Fri Nov 29

Status Summary. Needs Review: 29, Waiting on Author: 33, Ready for
Committer: 13, Committed: 24, Returned with Feedback: 5, Rejected: 5.
Total: 109.

Current status:

Fri Dec 6 10:55

Status Summary. Needs Review: 24, Waiting on Author: 21, Ready for
Committer: 14, Committed: 26, Returned with Feedback: 16, Rejected: 8.
Total: 109.

Although this looks like slow progress on paper, many larger patches
have actually made significant progress in their reviews this past week.A lot of those will probably be in very good
shapefor the next commit

We're also very close to achieving the primary goal of having given
every submission a decent review.  Although it looks like Heikki's
B-tree patches might end up being the loser ...

Now it's crunch time:

- If you are a committer, grab a patch from the Ready for Committer list
and commit it.

- If you are a patch author and you hope to get your patch finished next
week, make sure you have a current patch, your commit fest entry is up
to date, and your reviewers are aware of your intentions.

- If you are a reviewer, grab one of the remaining patches and give it a
look.  So no one feels sad.

- If you are a commit fest manager, all patches not in the above
categories should be disposed of appropriately by the end of next week.