Обсуждение: Making ParameterStatus available for more parameter types?


Making ParameterStatus available for more parameter types?

Shay Rojansky
Hi everyone.

The ParameterStatus message is currently sent for a hard-wired set of parameters (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/protocol-flow.html#PROTOCOL-ASYNC).

Just wanted to let you know that making this more flexible would be a great help in driver implementation. Npgsql maintains its own view of the current statement_timeout parameter for various reasons; as long as the standard ADO.NET API is used to change the timeout everything is OK, but if the user ever manually sets statement_timeout things can become quite messy. Being able to subscribe to more parameter changes would help in this case. In the very short term simply adding statement_timeout to the hard-wired set would help me as well.



Re: Making ParameterStatus available for more parameter types?

Robert Haas
On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 5:30 AM, Shay Rojansky <roji@roji.org> wrote:
> The ParameterStatus message is currently sent for a hard-wired set of
> parameters
> (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/protocol-flow.html#PROTOCOL-ASYNC).
> Just wanted to let you know that making this more flexible would be a great
> help in driver implementation. Npgsql maintains its own view of the current
> statement_timeout parameter for various reasons; as long as the standard
> ADO.NET API is used to change the timeout everything is OK, but if the user
> ever manually sets statement_timeout things can become quite messy. Being
> able to subscribe to more parameter changes would help in this case. In the
> very short term simply adding statement_timeout to the hard-wired set would
> help me as well.

Requests to add more stuff to ParameterStatus messages are becoming a
somewhat regular thing around here.  Your idea of giving the client
the ability to subscribe to the stuff it cares about might be a good
way forward, because sending more and more things all the time adds
overhead for all clients, even those that don't care.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company