Обсуждение: Improve handling of ^C in psql / top-level transaction abort


Improve handling of ^C in psql / top-level transaction abort

Jim Nasby
I recently had a client contact me thinking that a CREATE MATERIALIZED 
VIEW had somehow managed to keep running in the background after being 
^C'd in psql. Turns out this confusion was because their monitoring 
eventually complained about the still open (but now aborted) 
transaction. The user didn't realize that ^C of a command in an open 
transaction would still leave the transaction open.

I'm wondering if there's some way to improve this. One idea is if 
TBLOCK_INPROGRESS could also do some of what CleanupTransaction() does 
but still leave the status in TBLOCK_ABORT. In particular, release 
snapshots. Since there's no substransaction, there's no possibility of 
running further commands. Is there risk to that with portals still open?
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
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