Обсуждение: Re: Suggestions for PgAccess [Accepted in version 0.86]


Re: Suggestions for PgAccess [Accepted in version 0.86]

Constantin Teodorescu
I am using this reply also to announce a new version for PgAccess.
There are no major changes.
PgAccess now support command line parameter that means the database to
be loaded.
A bug fix in table/query display window.

Michael Bussmann wrote:
> First of all, thanks for this great tool!  I'd just like to report 2 things
> I noticed when working with pgaccess 0.80.
> a) What about supporting command line arguments?  Entering
> pgaccess <dbname> is a bit easier than having to click to Database, then
> Open, then entering the dbname.


> b) Can hardly be described as a bug, but this behaviour of pgaccess
> sometimes confuses me:
>   I opened a table viewer frame for table 'A`.  Currently there's no
>   special sort order.  After entering the sort field, and pressing reload
>   the table is sorted.  Now I'm double-clicking on another table 'B` and
>   this table gets displayed in the table viewer.  This time the table is
>   _not_ sorted, but the 'sort field' still contains the value I specified
>   before.
>   Maybe the sort field should be cleared before displaying a new table?
>   [Same behaviour with the field 'Filter conditions']


Constantin Teodorescu
FLEX Consulting Braila, ROMANIA