Обсуждение: Possible bug in Insight PostGres ODBC driver


Possible bug in Insight PostGres ODBC driver

Chris Wilson
Hi Byron,

I think I have found a bug in Insight's ODBC Driver for PostGres. When you
export data containing backslashes from Access, they are not escaped in
the SQL statement, and the resulting statement either contains unintended
escape codes, or, if the backslash is the last character in the field, it
accidentally escapes the trailing ' which causes PostGres to fail with a
parser error. I'm not sure whether backslashes are allowed in ODBC
requests, and if not then this is a bug in Access, but it would be very
helpful if the driver could detect and correct this problem anyway since
it took us nearly a full day to diagnose and others might find it
impossible and give up on PostGres :-(.

Cheers, Chris.
   ___ __     _
 / __// / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson <Chris.Wilson@fitz.cam.ac.uk> Unix+Net+RC5 |
/ (_ / ,\/ _/ /_ \ | We are GNU. Microsoft is futile. It will be assimilated |
\__//_/_/_//_/___/ +-- If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. --+

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