Обсуждение: Re: [INTERFACES] Money type mapping to VB5 Jet workspace


Re: [INTERFACES] Money type mapping to VB5 Jet workspace

"Ken J. Wright"
This is also a problem with the BDE & also with libpq. The odbc driver
could/should? fix this, but then what about libpq? The docs say the money
type is going away someday. Should we avoid using it? I believe a proper
fix involves both the backend & frontends. Forcing quotes around a numeric
value throws everyone off. Developer comments?


At 03:16 PM 12/31/98 +0000, you wrote:
>    I'm having problems with the mapping of the money type to an
>appropriate type in Visual Basic 5.0. Presently, it is coming across
>as type float8, and if that were acceptable to me, it isn't when I
>update, because I get an error '524':
> parser: attribute 'amount'  is of type 'money' but expression is of
>type 'float8'
>You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
>I can successfully update only with an ODBC direct workspace, where I
>can add single quotes around the value. I would prefer to be able to
>use the Jet workspace, however, as well as data bound controls.
>Is it possible to have it map to the currency data type?

Re: [INTERFACES] Money type mapping to VB5 Jet workspace

"Thomas G. Lockhart"
> This is also a problem with the BDE & also with libpq. The odbc driver
> could/should? fix this, but then what about libpq? The docs say the
> money type is going away someday. Should we avoid using it? I believe
> a proper fix involves both the backend & frontends. Forcing quotes
> around a numeric value throws everyone off. Developer comments?

We are just getting a NUMERIC() type implemented now by Jan Wieck. We
haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but Jan is one of our best
developers so it is likely to be a good replacement for the less general
money type.

It isn't yet certain that the very first implementation of NUMERIC()
will allow one to omit the single quotes around values, but it probably

Barring unforeseen problems, it should be available for v6.5.

                  - Tom