Обсуждение: passing variable between cgi


passing variable between cgi

I am setting up PostgreSQL (postgresql-6.4.2) database in Linux (Linux 2.0.27)
system, and want to access the database with cgi ( C program) through Apache
(version 1.1) server.  My application involve a few cgi programmes.
I can not figure out how to pass varibles between cgi programmes.

My application involve some thing like this:
    In a HTML page, when the user click a button, a cgi program will run and get
some data from Postgres, then when the user click another button, the other cgi
will be triggerred to process certain data got by the previous cgi, so, I will
need to pass the data get by the first cgi to the second cgi according to the
user choice ...

I am using the embedded SQL (ecpg) method to write the cgi ( C program ) to get
data from postgresql-6.4.2.
How should I pass variable between these C program?  What are the common methods
to develop this kind of application?
Please advice.
Thank you.

Re: passing variable between cgi

nagib hobeica

One common approach is to use the "input type=hidden" tag.
i.e. The output from your first CGI would have
 INPUT TYPE=hidden Name=NameOfTheVar VALUE=ValueAssignedToVar
 within the second click button form.
This information will be hence available to your second CGI.

hope it helps,


PS: a CGI mailing list would be more appropriate

On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, hoelc wrote:

> Hello,
> I am setting up PostgreSQL (postgresql-6.4.2) database in Linux (Linux 2.0.27)
> system, and want to access the database with cgi ( C program) through Apache
> (version 1.1) server.  My application involve a few cgi programmes.
> I can not figure out how to pass varibles between cgi programmes.
> My application involve some thing like this:
>     In a HTML page, when the user click a button, a cgi program will run and get
> some data from Postgres, then when the user click another button, the other cgi
> will be triggerred to process certain data got by the previous cgi, so, I will
> need to pass the data get by the first cgi to the second cgi according to the
> user choice ...
> I am using the embedded SQL (ecpg) method to write the cgi ( C program
> ) to get data from postgresql-6.4.2. How should I pass variable
> between these C program?  What are the common methods to develop this
> kind of application? Please advice. Thank you. LCH
> -
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Re: [INTERFACES] passing variable between cgi

Michael Meskes
On Mon, Mar 01, 1999 at 11:05:49PM +0800, hoelc wrote:
> I am using the embedded SQL (ecpg) method to write the cgi ( C program ) to get
> data from postgresql-6.4.2.
> How should I pass variable between these C program?  What are the common methods
> to develop this kind of application?

You mean how to exchange data between two simultanous running C programs?
There are several ways: shared memory, pipes, etc.

Or did I miss something. I fail to see how this relates to postgresql resp.

Michael Meskes                         | Go SF 49ers!
Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz    | Go Rhein Fire!
Tel.: (+49) 2431/72651                 | Use Debian GNU/Linux!
Email: Michael.Meskes@gmx.net          | Use PostgreSQL!

Re: passing variable between cgi

Razvan Marcus
  You can use <input type=hidden name=... value=...> to pass variables
from a cgi to another.


On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, hoelc wrote:

> Hello,
> I am setting up PostgreSQL (postgresql-6.4.2) database in Linux (Linux 2.0.27)
> system, and want to access the database with cgi ( C program) through Apache
> (version 1.1) server.  My application involve a few cgi programmes.
> I can not figure out how to pass varibles between cgi programmes.
> My application involve some thing like this:
>     In a HTML page, when the user click a button, a cgi program will run and get
> some data from Postgres, then when the user click another button, the other cgi
> will be triggerred to process certain data got by the previous cgi, so, I will
> need to pass the data get by the first cgi to the second cgi according to the
> user choice ...
> I am using the embedded SQL (ecpg) method to write the cgi ( C program ) to get
> data from postgresql-6.4.2.
> How should I pass variable between these C program?  What are the common methods
> to develop this kind of application?
> Please advice.
> Thank you.
> -
> To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-net" in
> the body of a message to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu