Обсуждение: [INTERFACES] type error inserting large obj, Win32 ODBC


[INTERFACES] type error inserting large obj, Win32 ODBC

Wojciech Kromer
> Re: [INTERFACES] type error inserting large obj, Win32 ODBC
> Sam O'Connor wrote:
> > I'm having a problem getting large objects to work with the IDS ODBC
> > driver from MS VC++.
> > I'm Using the MFC CRecordset class to talk to the ODBC driver.
> > When I try to add a record with a large object stored in a CLongBinary
> > I get the message below ( see dbms output). If I dont flag the column as
> > dirty and not NULL, causing the blob to be ignored, the rest of the row
> > gets updated properly. When I do flag the blob dirty and not NULL then
> > the driver returns SQL_NEED_DATA in the MFC code and causes
> > SendLongBinaryData to be called. This sends all the data through then
> > just before exiting calls SQLParamData again which fails with the error
> > message.
> > Below is the error message, the MS code, my setup info and my code.
> > If anyone can point out what I am doing wrong I would greatly appreciate
> > it.
> > If anyone has a completly different better way to do it that would be
> > just as good.
> > Some working example code would be best of all.
> > (If any extra information would be useful I'd be happy to provide it.)
> > Thanks
> > Sam O'Connor
> >
> > ---- dbms output ----
> >
> > ERROR:  parser: attribute 'bitmap' is of type 'lo' but expression is of
> > type 'int4'
> >         You will need to rewrite or cast the expression (1)
> >
> Please send the driver log which shows the query that is generating the
> above failure.  Either the driver's commlog or the odbc trace log would do.
> The more info the better.
> BTW, I have tested the driver with large objects in MS Access and it seems
> to work fine -- I can send and receive OLE objects from/to the database.
> So, perhaps its something in MFC that needs to be tweeked.
> Byron
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Please publish or send me the patched compiled version of psqlodbc.dll,
I dont have the Microsoft C...

Kazda cywilizacja musi dojsc do momentu, w ktorym wymysli PIWO!
Wojciech Kromer mailto:krom@softomat.com.pl