Обсуждение: illegal page faults. . .


illegal page faults. . .

JT Kirkpatrick
(msaccess97 / win98, 6.40.0005 odbc driver, postgres 6.4.2, linux mandrake 
5.3) i wrote earlier about getting illegal page faults every time i CLOSE a 
certain form (it lets me use it just fine!) that is used to ADD RECORDS 
only.  well, i have created an ultra-basic form linked to the same database 
as the crashing form -- no vba underlying it, no fancy formats, nothing 
except the fields of the tables dropped in with all default settings.  it 
crashes too!  gotta be in the table or ??.  i am not linking the form to a 
query, but directly to the table.  i have another form linked to the same 
table to edit records only -- it limits you to one record only -- works 
beautifully.  and yet another form showing only limited info from the same 
table, but multiple records (never all), works fine too.  i do have 
declare/fetch on.  the table is huge (>45k records, 14,983,168 bytes).  if 
i try to open the table directly in datasheet view, the odbc driver fails 
-- no explanation, but at least no illegal page fault and i get clammed out 
of access!  i figure that is because of the size of the table.  i have 
cache set to 100, maxvarchar = 550, maxlongvarchar=15000.  in the table i 
have one field varchar(300) and another varchar(550).  a few "checks" 
(state char(2) not null check (state<>' ')). -- ok that's all i know that 
would be suspicious.  but the edit forms work fine.  any ideas???
