Обсуждение: odbc and large objects


odbc and large objects

Erwin van der Valk
Hi there,
I have a problem with the windows 32 odbc driver for postgres.

I have written an application in visual C++ 6 that can read/write in any
table on the postgreSql server through ODBC, But now I want to put a
picture (large object) in the database. There's hardly any documentation
available on that subject. The odbc driver FAQ said I had to create a
new type, called lo, which I did, but that still get's me nowhere.

How can I read a picture from the database? Can I just use an SQL query
and select the picture from the database, or do I have to use some of
the functions in the drivers DLL?

The same thing goes for writing an image to the database. Can I just use
'insert into'??

I have read that the lo datatype is mapped to LONGVARBINARY. Does that
mean all the data is stored in the format LONGVARBINARY or just the oid?


Erwin van der Valk