Обсуждение: RE: [INTERFACES] still cannot connect with pgAdmin


RE: [INTERFACES] still cannot connect with pgAdmin

Dave Page
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Meskes [mailto:meskes@postgreSQL.org]
> Sent: 28 December 1999 16:23
> To: PostgreSQL Interfaces
> Subject: [INTERFACES] still cannot connect with pgAdmin
> I just installed M$ MDAC and now I get further in my attempt 
> to connect to
> my PostgreSQL database. However, pgAdmin says: The selected 
> database is not
> a PostgreSQL v6.5.x system!
> However, I do use 6.5.3.
> On the subsequent tries I get: This database does not appear 
> to be in teh version
> 6.4.x format!

Because pgAdmin extracts all it's info about the connected database from the
pg_* tables rather than relying on M$ ADO or DAO, it needs to know that the
connected database is 

a) PostgreSQL
b) the correct version (therefore the system tables will be of the expected

During the logon process this is checked by executing:

SELECT version()

To work correctly, the major and minor version numbers of the database
should be the same as pgAdmin's (eg. 6.5.x PostgreSQL will work with 6.5.x
pgAdmin). In the case of pgAdmin 6.5.x, it is looking at the first 14
characters returned by the SELECT which are expected to be:

PostgreSQL 6.5

If they are not, then you get the error you've experienced.

To get to the point... please execute SELECT version(); in the psql monitor
and let me know exactly what is returned.

Network & Systems Manager, The Vale Housing Association.
http://www.vale-housing.co.uk (Work)
http://www.pgadmin.freeserve.co.uk (Home of pgAdmin)
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