Обсуждение: ECPG and sqlda


ECPG and sqlda

Tim Kane
Hmm, my second ECPG question...

There doesn't seem to be any support for the SQLDA...

Does this mean that I can't do proper dynamic queries?

eg:    select * from :table where :field = :result

Somebody please tell me that I'm wrong!
The test files in the source don't seem to utilize this feature at all.

Oh, while I'm at it...
ECPGstatus() seems to have changed to ECPGstatus (int, const char);
What exactly am I supposed to pass to this function?

Thanks Heaps!


Re: [INTERFACES] ECPG and sqlda

Michael Meskes
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 06:46:52PM +1100, Tim Kane wrote:
> There doesn't seem to be any support for the SQLDA...

Correct. ECPG does not support SQLDA. AFAIK SQLDA is not standard anyway.

> Does this mean that I can't do proper dynamic queries?
> eg:    select * from :table where :field = :result

You can. How about this?

exec sql prepare STMT from "select * from ? where ? = ?";

exec sql declare cur cursor for STMT;

exec sql open cur using :table, :field, :result;

> Somebody please tell me that I'm wrong!
> The test files in the source don't seem to utilize this feature at all.

test[2|3].pgc do use prepare.

> ECPGstatus() seems to have changed to ECPGstatus (int, const char);
> What exactly am I supposed to pass to this function?

The first argument is the line-number (i.e. __LINE__). The second is the
connection name. If you do not have different connections you can use NULL
as connection name or just use "CURRENT".

Michael Meskes                         | Go SF 49ers!
Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz    | Go Rhein Fire!
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Email: Michael@Fam-Meskes.De           | Use PostgreSQL!