Обсуждение: RE: [INTERFACES] JDBC & Netscape



Peter Mount
Comments below prefixed by PM: (I hate outlook)

Peter Mount
Enterprise Support
Maidstone Borough Council
Any views stated are my own, and not those of Maidstone Borough Council.

-----Original Message-----
From: Erkki Seppala [mailto:flux@inside.org]
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2000 11:59 AM
To: Peter Mount
Cc: pgsql-interfaces@postgreSQL.org
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] JDBC & Netscape

PM: [snip]

<applet code=SqlApplet archive="sqlapplet.jar,postgresql.jar" width=100

Of course, I didn't have the class-file around why I tested it.

Don't know if that is thought to be general knowledge (according to you 
it's not?), but atleast the documentation I have doesn't reveal it.

PM: Well, it's been about 3 years since I wrote an applet, but I haven't
seen it before. It would be useful if this was possible.

Also, another interesting thing I noted, which is really distribution 
relevant instead of postgresql: with debian distribution of postgres, 
uncompressing and recompressing postgresql.jar shrinks it by 50% 
(from 143 kbytes to 71 kbytes).

PM: Hmmm, .jar files shouldn't be compressed. They are basically
uncompressed zip files (-0) and the spec states that they must never be
compressed. Perhaps its a quirk of either the jar tool the debian
maintainer used, or the browser just simply handles compressed jar

--  _____________________________________________________________________    / __// /__ ____  __
     Erkki Seppälä\   \   / /_ / // // /\ \/ /                       Inside Informatics ry\  /  /_/  /_/ \___/
/_/\_\@inside.org       http://www.inside.org/~flux/

Re: [INTERFACES] JDBC & Netscape

Erkki Seppala
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 12:13:16PM -0000, Peter Mount wrote:

> PM: Hmmm, .jar files shouldn't be compressed. They are basically
> uncompressed zip files (-0) and the spec states that they must never be
> compressed. Perhaps its a quirk of either the jar tool the debian
> maintainer used, or the browser just simply handles compressed jar
> files.

Well, this is what jdk-1.1 jar does:

[14:18] lectric(pts/8):~% dd if=/dev/zero of=foo bs=1M count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
[14:18] lectric(pts/8):~% jar cvf foo.jar foo
adding: foo (in=1048576) (out=1033) (deflated 99%)
[14:18] lectric(pts/8):~% ls -l foo.jar
-rw-rw-r--    1 flux     flux         1417 Jan  6 14:18 foo.jar

And that's the official jdk by Sun. Perhaps things have changed between 1.0
and 1.1? Netscape 4.7 handles it ok. I suspect that the original package
made for Debian might be created without compression, but still du -b of the
contents after extracting the original postgresql.jar is more than the size
of the original .jar.. (160768 bytes compared to 143506 bytes)
--  _____________________________________________________________________    / __// /__ ____  __
     Erkki Seppälä\   \   / /_ / // // /\ \/ /                       Inside Informatics ry\  /  /_/  /_/ \___/
/_/\_\@inside.org       http://www.inside.org/~flux/