Обсуждение: PQfinish also kills my dll


PQfinish also kills my dll

Jakob Lund
I am building a new windows NT client-library on top og libpq to make a
dynaset-like access to data from a postgresql database. This is no problem
except there seems to be a bug in the PQfinish function. Every time the
function is called the dll craches (seriously). I can see that other people
have experienced similar craches using this function - could it be a bug?
I'm using version 7.1.3 sourcecode.

P.S. I'm not calling PQfinish more than once! even the code below crashes.
 PGconn* m_Conn = PQsetdb(Host,PortString,NULL,NULL,DB); if (PQstatus(m_Conn) != CONNECTION_BAD &&      m_Conn) {
PQfinish(m_Conn);  return true; }

Jakob Gaarde Lund              
Trapeze Software Europe     Phone: +45 87 44 16 31
Søren Frichs Vej 38K, 2       Fax:     +45 87 44 16 01
DK-8230 Åbyhøj                  Email: jlu@trapezesoftware.dk