Обсуждение: JDBC2.0 Support


JDBC2.0 Support

"Pattabi Raman"
We have Postgres 7.0.3 running on Red Hat 7.0. The JVM installed is from Blackdown.org. We are using jdbc7.1_1.2.jar driver.
We are unable to use the JDBC2.0 methods.
For example:
we tried calling
DatabaseMetaData.supportsResultSetType(int) method
and ResultSet.absolute(int) method.
We are getting method not supported exception, but we do find the jdbc2 package in the jar file that has implementation for these methods.
What are we supposed to do to make this work?

Re: JDBC2.0 Support

Peter T Mount
Quoting Pattabi Raman <Pattabi.Raman@chennai.transys.net>:

> We have Postgres 7.0.3 running on Red Hat 7.0. The JVM installed is from
> Blackdown.org. We are using jdbc7.1_1.2.jar driver.
> We are unable to use the JDBC2.0 methods.
> For example:
> we tried calling
> DatabaseMetaData.supportsResultSetType(int) method
> and ResultSet.absolute(int) method.
> We are getting method not supported exception, but we do find the jdbc2
> package in the jar file that has implementation for these methods.
> What are we supposed to do to make this work?

They are supported in 7.1, but you may have an early beta jar file. Also, parts
of the 7.1 driver will not work with 7.0.3 (as it relies on 7.1 features), but
these parts will.

Also, check to see if you have another copy of the driver installed. It might
be that RedHat7 has installed the 7.0.3 driver, in which case you would also
see this problem (its loading 7.0.3 but the 7.1 driver has the support).


> Regards,
> Pattabi

Peter Mount peter@retep.org.uk
PostgreSQL JDBC Driver: http://www.retep.org.uk/postgres/
RetepPDF PDF library for Java: http://www.retep.org.uk/pdf/