Обсуждение: charSet with Jdbc3PoolingDataSource


charSet with Jdbc3PoolingDataSource

Chris Holmes
Hi, I'm looking to use connection pooling with Postgresql jdbc, but one of
my requirements is the use of the charSet param.  As far as I can tell it
is not supported in Jdbc3PoolingDataSource, I downloaded 7.4beta1 to check
and didn't find anything there.  Are there any plans to add this
capability, or reasons as to why it is not in the jdbc3 code?  Looking
through this list I see that users should probably just create their db's
with the correct language, and everything should work a lot better, but
many of my users already have their installations up and running, and
currently rely on the charSet param.  I would prefer to not just drop that
support when I move to pooled connections, forcing them to redo their dbs.
Looking through the code it doesn't seem that difficult to add, just add a
setCharSet method to jdbc2.optional.BaseDataSource, have getUrl() use the
charSet, and have jdbc2.optional.PoolingDataSource override with the
method with an IllegalStateException similar to its other overrides.  Or
is there more to be done?  This is the first time I've really looked at
the code.  Apologies if this has been discussed on the list before, but in
my search of the archives I found nothing.  I'm willing to put in a bit of
devel time if needed to fix this problem, as it'll make my international
users happy.

