Обсуждение: SQLData user-defined-types and getObject()


SQLData user-defined-types and getObject()

Assad Jarrahian
Hi All,
  I am quite confused (PLEASE PLEASE Help), I cannot find anything on
the web). I read that you can declare a class that implements SQLData
(in this case I set up a class called Complex from the /src/tutorial
datatype that mimics the user-defined datatype in the db) and then set
the mapping appropriately (see below).
   But it does not work ( I maybe doing something wrong)!!!
The "getObject" code throws:
Exception in thread "main" org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
Unsupported Types value: 2,000
and the setObject code throws:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Class
 (points to the getObject() line

ANY help would be much appreciated!
much thanks in advance.

//Mapping type setup
        java.util.Map map = db.getTypeMap();
        if(map == null) map = new HashMap();
        map.put("complex", Class.forName("Complex"));

        map = db.getTypeMap();

and then I can set and get as follows:

//set info
        Complex test = new Complex();
        test.a = 5.6;
        test.b = 3.4;
        Statement stmt = db.createStatement();
        PreparedStatement temp = db.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO
test_complex VALUES (DEFAULT, ?);");

//I also  tried with setObject with the type specified to

//get info

    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM test_complex");
        System.out.println("Got ");

            System.out.println("Got ");
        ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData();
        System.out.println("Type from SQL: " +

        Object foo = (Object) rs.getObject(2, map);

        if (foo instanceof Complex) {
        Complex cp = (Complex)foo;
        System.out.println("Got: " + cp + " from DB");

Re: SQLData user-defined-types and getObject()

Kris Jurka

On Sat, 7 Jan 2006, Assad Jarrahian wrote:

>  I am quite confused (PLEASE PLEASE Help), I cannot find anything on
> the web). I read that you can declare a class that implements SQLData
> (in this case I set up a class called Complex from the /src/tutorial
> datatype that mimics the user-defined datatype in the db) and then set
> the mapping appropriately (see below).

This is possible according to the JDBC spec, but the postgresql driver
does not implement it.  At the moment your only option is to have your
class implement org.postgresql.util.PGobject and register it using a pg
specific method.  This is fine for a true user defined type, but it
certainly isn't ideal for a composite type because it requires the type
creator to handle all of the fields himself.

There isn't much documentation on PGobject implementations either, but the
javadoc and source code will point you in the right direction.


Kris Jurka