Обсуждение: Weird system lockups occuring when JDBC throws error


Weird system lockups occuring when JDBC throws error

"Jay Liu"

Hi all,


I’m having some problems with my postgres  installation on debian (Virtual PC 2007)


Debian etch 4.0 (running 2.6.18)

psql (PostgreSQL) 8.1.8

contains support for command-line editing


Sometimes when the driver throws an exception, it seems to lock up the whole machine. I run top on the console, and it stops. I have to reset it.

The problem is non deterministic, it seems to take a few errors before it goes down.


Previously, I was running Debian 3.1 (sarge) with postgres 7.4 (also Virtual PC 2007)  and I did not have these problems at all.


How can I start to get to the bottom of this?





Re: Weird system lockups occuring when JDBC throws error

Heikki Linnakangas
Jay Liu wrote:
> Sometimes when the driver throws an exception, it seems to lock up the whole
> machine. I run top on the console, and it stops. I have to reset it.

What exception is it?

   Heikki Linnakangas
   EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com

Re: Weird system lockups occuring when JDBC throws error

Kris Jurka

On Thu, 19 Apr 2007, Jay Liu wrote:

> I'm having some problems with my postgres  installation on debian (Virtual
> PC 2007)
> Debian etch 4.0 (running 2.6.18)
> psql (PostgreSQL) 8.1.8
> Sometimes when the driver throws an exception, it seems to lock up the whole
> machine. I run top on the console, and it stops. I have to reset it.
> The problem is non deterministic, it seems to take a few errors before it
> goes down.

This is not a postgresql problem.  Running as an unprivileged process
there's no way for postgresql to lock up a whole machine.  You need to
look at either the OS or the virtual machine it's running in.

Kris Jurka