Обсуждение: Opportunity for PostgreSQL/RDBMS Internals Developers


Opportunity for PostgreSQL/RDBMS Internals Developers

Simon Riggs
EnterpriseDB UK is seeking to recruit a team of developers to work on
performance optimisation and performance enhancing-features, working on
both internal and PostgreSQL community projects.

The roles will be full-time, based at the EnterpriseDB UK offices, near
Oxford in the UK. The roles will involve working on RDBMS internals,
rather than SQL application programming and require knowledge of
performance testing and tuning.

The following are minimum requirements:
 - excellent written English and reasonable spoken English
 - a Degree or at least 3 years relevant, provable experience
 - demonstrable C development to a high standard
 - knowledge of PostgreSQL (preferred) or other RDBMS
 - previous experience with high performance computing environments
 - a structured and mature approach to team/community development

Strong preference will be given to PostgreSQL committers, PostgreSQL
core patch submitters and RDBMS internals developers from other open or
closed source projects/companies.

Salary is negotiable for the right candidates. Short term contracts and
permanent positions are available. Assistance with visa applications and
some help in finding accommodation will be provided.

Candidates of any age, race, sex or nationality are welcome to apply,
though for legal reasons we must give priority to applications from
European Union (EU) member states.

Please contact me before sending CVs. I'm happy to take calls if you
think you have some but not all of the requirements, but please
understand that some are strict legal requirements.

EnterpriseDB UK        +44-1869-255757
Simon Riggs        simon@enterprisedb.com

  Simon Riggs
  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com