Обсуждение: Postgresql DB Postion -- Seattle


Postgresql DB Postion -- Seattle

We are a privately held company in Seattle, WA. Our products
are used to ensure the safety and security of transportation
infrastructure. We make the systems that are transforming
fleets into more productive and safer operations.

If you want to join a team of very talented developers, have
a great work environment where your efforts are recognized
and rewarded, look us up.

* 5+ years database development with PostgreSQL
* High Availability experience with near zero-downtime
* Provide expert level database design and modeling
* Significant background in creating complex functions/stored
  procedures and SQL scripts
* Understanding of database normalization concepts
* Experience in logical and physical database design and
* Experience with database system scaling
* Experience with database tuning for performance
* Strong analytical skills
* Capable of working independently with minimal supervision

* Experience with PostGIS extension, or other geospatially
  aware database
* Scripting languages like perl, sh, php, etc.
* Experience in a Fedora or Redhat Linux (or other UNIX/Linux)
* Experience with HA-Linux utilizing heartbeat and DRBD

Zonar Systems, LLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EEO),
dedicated to a policy of non-discrimination in employment.
It is the policy of Zonar Systems to make employment decisions
without regard to an applicant's age, sex, color, race, creed,
national origin, religion, marital status, sexual orientation,
political belief, disability, or any other characteristic
protected by federal, state or local law.

Zonar Systems reserves the right to amend the job descriptions
or requirements contained herein at any time without prior notice.

To Apply:

 Send resume with cover letter to jobs@zonarsystems.com
