Обсуждение: PostgreSQL DBA


PostgreSQL DBA

"Patry, Philip"
PostgreSQL DBA

We have a need for a postgreSQL DBA in Washington, DC. The initial contact is 1 month, this would probably be extended

One very experienced with PostgreSQL.  Two of the major issues we have right now is tuning the auto-vacuum and
resettingthe clock to east coast time (yes, we have done everything you would expect, something is wrong).  After those
twoimmediate needs we then have a plan to help us support the current database: 

Step1 - Separate out tables:
 - Dump and restore tables to new DB on same server
 - Drop tables on vidb05
 - Create views on vidb05 to point to the secondary DBs

Step2 - Replication:
 - Replication with pgCluster or sloney or some other application
 - Setup mirrored environment for testing

Step3 - More Enhancements:
 - Physical partitioning of line_items table
 - Line_items on its own hard drive
 - Materialized Views

Secondary skills in Oracle db or MS SQL db would be helpful.

Contact Philip Patry from Sullivan and Cogliano for more information. 888-785-2641 ext 239 or email