Обсуждение: Stored procedures for lobby server


Stored procedures for lobby server

Kevin Jenkins
I have a job posting to write about 75 stored procedures if anyone is
interested. I will accept this written in PostgreSQL or MySQL, but my
preference is PostgreSQL due to better performance and features. My
deadline is about two weeks.


RakNet (http://www.jenkinssoftware.com) has a lobby system used for
games. This lobby system is being rewritten to take advantage of
stored procedures for better efficiency, the ability to run multiple
database servers concurrently, and to push most functionality to the
database to resolve C++ / database concurrency issues.

Your task will be to write approximately 75 stored procedures, each of
which encapsulates one operation that can be performed by the user, or
in some cases the server administrator. All stored procedures will be
called from C++. The lobby system covers a wide range of topics
including login/logoff, clan boards, friends lists, and inter-lobby

Tasks of the implementer:
1. Review the requirements document to gain an understanding of the
purpose of the system as a whole, asking questions to clarify
2. Review each stored procedure to understand its intent, input
parameters, output parameters, and effect on the database. Discuss
with me elements that are incomplete or poorly thought out to ensure
that the final implementation is high quality, efficient, and provides
all necessary input and output data.
3. Design and implement a database that will provide an efficient and
stable backend to the stored procedures, with appropriate constraints
and standard best practices
4. Implement each stored procedure
5. Write a unit test in C that executes and demonstrates each stored
procedure. Each stored procedure should be fully tested, executing all
code paths and common error conditions.

You can find the full specification at