Обсуждение: Sr. PostgreSQL DBA for Yammer


Sr. PostgreSQL DBA for Yammer

Kristen Caldwell
Yammer has lots of users that provide lots of data. We have a great team of analysts and data warehouse engineers and are looking for a senior database administrator to take the PostgreSQL database to the next level of scalability and performance. In this role, you will be working with both the Analytics and Operations Team.

Yammer began when the CEO, David Sacks (PayPal Mafia) presented this idea at TechCrunch 50 in 2008 taking home the grand prize. Since then, we have 3 Million users with over 80% of the Fortune 500 companies using our product. An added bonus is that the work environment is one of the healthiest tech culture I've ever seen.

Yammer ( www.yammer.com ) is the leader in Enterprise Social Networking, providing a secure way for employees inside a company to communicate, collaborate, and share information. The basic version of Yammer is free, and companies can pay to upgrade their network to receive additional administrative and security controls, priority customer service, and a dedicated customer success manager. More than 100,000 companies and organizations are using our award-winning Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution to improve employee productivity and engagement.


What you'll do:
- Take ownership of highly scalable databases and data warehouses
- Implement the physical design of the database schemas
- Monitor the health of the database cluster and set up appropriate alerts
- Optimize slow queries

What you'll need to be familiar with:
- Vertica or other column-based distributed databases
- PostgreSQL
- Linux or other flavors of Unix
- Large data sets (multi terabytes)
- Leadership qualities while still working in a collaborative environment

Nice to have:
- Vertica or other column-based distributed databases
-Experience working with a variety of different databases
-Ruby on Rails
- R
- Git

I'm also going to include some links for you to check out:





If you are interested in this kind of opportunity, you can email me directly at kcaldwell at yammer-inc dot com.

Kristen Caldwell
Technical Recruiter @ Yammer
(415) 430-2733