Обсуждение: Postgres Developer Position in Boulder, CO


Postgres Developer Position in Boulder, CO

Ardith Falkner
Hello all,

The GLOBE Program at the University Corporation for Atmospheric
Research (UCAR) has a full time Postgres Developer position open:

Database Developer II     http://bit.ly/nzRIRS

We are a small group of developers, using Ruby on Rails, Java, and
PostgreSQL DBMS for all new development.  We also maintain the
existing Data Information System and website interface for the
GLOBE.gov website.

GLOBE.gov is a website used around the world by students, teachers,
and scientists to collaborate on inquiry-based investigations of the
environment and the Earth system.  GLOBE works closely in partnership
with NASA, NOAA, and NSF.

Currently, our group is working to redesign a science database schema,
transfer 15+ years of earth science data from an Oracle database to a
PostgreSQL database, and integrate our Ruby on Rails website
application with a Liferay CMS.  Our next step will be to maintain and
extend the new database of global scientific data and develop
engaging, educational, data entry user interfaces.

We are looking for candidates that value:
 contributing, while learning new skills
 quality, maintainable software

Please consider joining our team!

The first round of resumes for the database developer position will be
due Tuesday, October 18th.
Check out the official job postings and upload resumes at:
