Обсуждение: hiring Junior DBA / sysadmin at Craftsy in Denver


hiring Junior DBA / sysadmin at Craftsy in Denver

Noah Yetter

Shorter, less HR-esque job description:

We're looking for someone with Unix/Linux sysadmin experience who is interested in pursuing a DBA career track.  DBA experience is great but we intend to provide training in this area.  As career tracks go, DBA can be difficult to crack into, especially outside the Oracle/Microsoft space, so this is a very valuable opportunity. (We are open to candidates with more experience as well, don't be shy.)

We use mainly Postgres 9 and AWS Redshift, plus AWS DynamoDB, Apache Kafka and a tiny amount of MySQL.  We run 100% of our production infrastructure in AWS and always have.  This is a great chance to work and gain experience in a cloud-native shop.

Craftsy is a cool place to work and Denver is an awesome city to live in!  If you think you might be who we're looking for, apply at the link above or shoot me an email if you have questions.

Noah Yetter
Data Architect/DBA
www.sympoz.com | www.craftsy.com
Sympoz, Inc
999 18th Street
Suite 240 
Denver, CO 80202