Обсуждение: Setting up ODBC


Setting up ODBC

"P.V. Subramanian"
Hi all

The Postgres ODBC docs seem a little too advanced for me!

Here are my simple q.s

* To "switch on" ODBC support in my Postgresql install, do I have to do
anything at all (on the server), or is all the work on the client side?

* Seems like the psqlODBC driver must be installed on my Wintel client, and
not on the Linux server I use

* Aren't there Linux ODBC clients?

* What is iodbc? Does it get installed on the server or on the client? Would
my Win 2000 machine have any pre-installed driver managers that may support
psqlODBC (so I don't have to bother with iodbc)?

* I see a number of iodbc downloads: driver manager, driver manager runtime,
developers kit and administrator. A brief descr. on what each item may be
needed for would be helpful.

Thats a lot of q.s

Thanks in advance


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