Обсуждение: Perl and pgsql...


Perl and pgsql...

Adrian Stovall
Can anyone point me to a FAQ, tutorial, etc on connecting to pgsql from
Perl?  I'd appreciate it.  I will RTFM if I can just *find* it...


Re: Perl and pgsql...


> Can anyone point me to a FAQ, tutorial, etc on connecting to pgsql from
> Perl?

In perl the way to connect to any database is via dbi.pm, the database
interface.  Although I'm not sure it will work with the real specific
stuff (triggers and procedures) it works well and gives a common interface
across all database platforms.  That way, as long as you don't do
something too esoteric you can change to mySQL, Informix, Oracle, etc.
just by changing the DBI database definition.

Search on dbi postgreSQL tutorial and yo should find lots of info.


                  Strange Brew   (brew@theMode.com)
     Check out my Musician's Online Database Exchange (The MODE Pages)

Re: Perl and pgsql...

Jason Earl
Install DBD::Pg
man DBD::Pg

That should get you more than started.  It's been a while since I used
Perl, but Perl was the first language that I used with PostgreSQL
(several years ago).  The documentation included with the module was
actually pretty good.

If you have specific questions feel free to ask.  You also might
consider subscribing to the pgsql-interfaces mailing list for Perl
specific questions.

Good Luck,

Adrian  Stovall <AdrianS@pfk.com> writes:

> Can anyone point me to a FAQ, tutorial, etc on connecting to pgsql from
> Perl?  I'd appreciate it.  I will RTFM if I can just *find* it...
> Adrian
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Re: Perl and pgsql...

"Brett W. McCoy"
On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, Adrian  Stovall wrote:

> Can anyone point me to a FAQ, tutorial, etc on connecting to pgsql from
> Perl?  I'd appreciate it.  I will RTFM if I can just *find* it...

You'll want to read the documentation for the Perl DBI and the DBD::Pg
module, all available from CPAN.

-- Brett
The poetry of heroism appeals irresitably to those who don't go to a war,
and even more so to those whom the war is making enormously wealthy."
        -- Celine