Обсуждение: Logging Apache web server log information to Postgresql


Logging Apache web server log information to Postgresql

"Keller, Sid"
I was wondering if anyone has installed the pglogd program.  It is a program
that sends Apache web server log information to a Postgresql database.  I
have successfully compiled it and have the other programs (Apache,
Postgresql) working correctly.  However, when I start Apache after starting
the database and then pglogd, the pglogd daemon dies.  If anyone has this
setup correctly and is willing to help, I can send you some details about my
setup.  Oh, my O/S is OpenBSD 3.0.

Sid Keller
Institutional Advancement
Texas Tech University

Re: Logging Apache web server log information to Postgresql

Singer Wang
On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 02:34:10PM -0600, Keller, Sid wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has installed the pglogd program.  It is a program
> that sends Apache web server log information to a Postgresql database.  I
> have successfully compiled it and have the other programs (Apache,
> Postgresql) working correctly.  However, when I start Apache after starting
> the database and then pglogd, the pglogd daemon dies.  If anyone has this
> setup correctly and is willing to help, I can send you some details about my
> setup.  Oh, my O/S is OpenBSD 3.0.

I use it as well for my intranet site... the appropiate start order is..

start postgresql
start pglogd
start apache

Singer XJ Wang - swang@cs.dal.ca - ICQ: 201253
   "WAR stands for We Are Right!"