Обсуждение: Matching a large number of user chosen


Matching a large number of user chosen

John Taylor

I have an application where a user can choose a large number of distinct products to process.

The SQL that I currently use looks something like this:

select * from products where date='01012000' AND ( id='123' OR id='456' OR id='789' );

There can be maybe hundreds of different unconnected id's chosen.

Is there a more elegant/efficient way to do this than a large number of ORs ?


Re: Matching a large number of user chosen

Hi John,

> I have an application where a user can choose a large number of distinct products to process.
> The SQL that I currently use looks something like this:
> select * from products where date='01012000' AND ( id='123' OR id='456' OR id='789' );
> There can be maybe hundreds of different unconnected id's chosen.
> Is there a more elegant/efficient way to do this than a large number of ORs ?

You could try

AND id in ('123','456','789');


He who dies with the most toys ...

                    ... still dies

Re: Matching a large number of user chosen

Rasmus Mohr
IN should not be that much faster, as the table is scanned for each entry in
the list of id numbers.

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-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: pgsql-novice-owner@postgresql.org
[mailto:pgsql-novice-owner@postgresql.org]Pa vegne af Rob
Sendt: 12. april 2002 18:11
Til: John Taylor
Cc: pgsql-novice@postgresql.org
Emne: Re: [NOVICE] Matching a large number of user chosen

Hi John,

> I have an application where a user can choose a large number of distinct
products to process.
> The SQL that I currently use looks something like this:
> select * from products where date='01012000' AND ( id='123' OR id='456' OR
id='789' );
> There can be maybe hundreds of different unconnected id's chosen.
> Is there a more elegant/efficient way to do this than a large number of
ORs ?

You could try

AND id in ('123','456','789');


He who dies with the most toys ...

                    ... still dies

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