Обсуждение: Laptop configuration continued


Laptop configuration continued

"Brian Johnson"
So I've got my dual boot laptop with Postgres 7.2.1 on the Linux side and the same
version running under cygwin on the Windows OS

I can't get the two to share data yet since the windows posgres under cygwin can't
see the Linux ext3 partition and the Linux postgres can't start up when I soft
link /var/lib/pgsql to the matching directory under the mounted windows partition.
I think it's because postgres runs as user postgres by default and everything under
the mounted windows partition is showing up as root.root ownership with u+rwx g+rx
o+rx permissions

Anyway, I start thinking, this whole exercise is so I can get access to the LAN
databases when the laptop is disconnected - so I start researching Postgres
replication projects - and come up a bit confused

This thing is starting to get very complicated.  Does anyone have a simple way to
set up a laptop to have offline access to database data (with the condition that
changes to the offline data must sync back into the main database when reconnected
to the LAN)?

I know that MS Access and the MS Briefcase app handle this very nicely, but my
contact database is based in PostgreSQL

Re: Laptop configuration continued


IMHO, using cygwin is the cart before the horse.  If you truly
want to move to Linux, a better approach would be to quit dual
booting and use Win4Lin under Linux (or possibly VMware, but I
don't know how it works).  Under Win4Lin your windoze process has
it's own IP address and therefore exactly duplicates running on a
network as far as administering Postgres goes.  All of the M$
development tools I have tried run fine under Win4Lin including
SQL Server Desktop which lets you migrate directly from one to
the other on the same machine using Access linked to each of
them.  When problems/questions arise, switch desktops and you're
natively dealing with Postrges again.

>>  So I've got my dual boot laptop with Postgres 7.2.1 on the
>> Linux side and the same version running under cygwin on the
>> Windows OS
>>  I can't get the two to share data yet since the windows
>> posgres under cygwin can't see the Linux ext3 partition and
>> the Linux postgres can't start up when I soft link
>> /var/lib/pgsql to the matching directory under the mounted
>> windows partition. I think it's because postgres runs as user
>> postgres by default and everything under the mounted windows
>> partition is showing up as root.root ownership with u+rwx g+rx
>> o+rx permissions
>>  Anyway, I start thinking, this whole exercise is so I can get
>> access to the LAN databases when the laptop is disconnected -
>> so I start researching Postgres replication projects - and
>> come up a bit confused
>>  This thing is starting to get very complicated.  Does anyone
>> have a simple way to set up a laptop to have offline access to
>> database data (with the condition that changes to the offline
>> data must sync back into the main database when reconnected to
>> the LAN)?
>>  I know that MS Access and the MS Briefcase app handle this
>> very nicely, but my contact database is based in PostgreSQL
>>  ---------------------------(end of
>> broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9'
>> the postmaster

