Обсуждение: real beginner's questions


real beginner's questions


Hi all,

I am very new to the Postgres subject and hope that someone will take the time
to answer this, or point me the right direction:

1.  How do I go about installing Postgres on a Windows Box?  Does anyone do it?
(I saw that most of you seem to be using Linux/Unix..) Do I need to compile, or
can I download an installer someplace?

2.  What would I use as a front-end, i.e. for developing user interfaces?
Delphi?  Insight?  Anything else?  Since I am not a programmer, but a rather
technically minded user, I would like to develop something for myself using an
easy-to-use tool.


Kevin Walsh

Re: real beginner's questions

David Lloyd

> 2.  What would I use as a front-end, i.e. for developing user interfaces?
> Delphi?  Insight?  Anything else?  Since I am not a programmer, but a rather
> technically minded user, I would like to develop something for myself using an
> easy-to-use tool.

I'm sure I've seen that Postgres has an ODBC driver on Windows. ODBC is
one of the standard ways to connect to a database and Delphi, Builder
and even MS Access could be used to build the front end. At the end of
the day, I think that it's up to the developer to use the tool most
suitable for the job.


Con te partiro, su navi per mari
 Che io lo so, no, no non esistono piu
Con te io li vivro.
 (Sartori F, Quarantotto E)

Re: real beginner's questions

"Chad Thompson"
Welcome to postgres :-)

I am using postgres on redhat (it was a breeze to install), but if youre not
up for that running with CYGWIN is a posibility.
This is a tutorial

I connect with PGADMIN II over ODBC which is extreemly easy to setup and
configure.  But once ODBC is installed (odbc.postgresql.org) the world is
your oyster.  You can connect with MS Access or Delphi or what ever it is
you feel comfortable using.

Hope this helps

> Hi all,
> I am very new to the Postgres subject and hope that someone will take the
> to answer this, or point me the right direction:
> 1.  How do I go about installing Postgres on a Windows Box?  Does anyone
do it?
> (I saw that most of you seem to be using Linux/Unix..) Do I need to
compile, or
> can I download an installer someplace?
> 2.  What would I use as a front-end, i.e. for developing user interfaces?
> Delphi?  Insight?  Anything else?  Since I am not a programmer, but a
> technically minded user, I would like to develop something for myself
using an
> easy-to-use tool.
> Thanks,
> Kevin Walsh
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