Обсуждение: Installing readline, compiling 7.3 on Mac OS X 10.2.2


Installing readline, compiling 7.3 on Mac OS X 10.2.2

David C.Oshel
It turns out OpenDarwin.org has a port that works.  _Using_ the port is
not so obvious to the newbie.

What you have to do is use the two cvs commands (in Terminal, the
commands are on the front page at
http://www.opendarwin.org/projects/darwinports/) to download a
darwinports directory, then "make" to set up the "port" command.

For convenience, the commands to download darwinports are:

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.opendarwin.org:/Volumes/src/cvs/od
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.opendarwin.org:/Volumes/src/cvs/od co
-P darwinports

After running make, you have a new directory called /opt.  Just like
/sw, if you use Fink, or /usr if you use Mac OS X.  Makes sense, I
guess, but the footnotes are proliferating, guys.

Then edit /etc/ports/sources.conf (!!) to point to
file:///Users/yourname/darwinports/dport (!!! ymmv).

Then run "port install readline" with an internet connection.  This
takes less than forever.  The build and install is painless.  Then edit
your .bashrc file to export a revised PATH and MANPATH to the
directories in /opt.

The readline 4.3 dynamic (yes!!) and static libraries are in

David C. Oshel               mailto:dcoshel@inav.net
Cedar Rapids, Iowa       http://soli.inav.net/~dcoshel
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