Обсуждение: Looking at PostgreSQL as alternative to MS SQL Server 2000


Looking at PostgreSQL as alternative to MS SQL Server 2000

"Ian J."

Hi all,

I'm completely new to PostgreSQL, so please excuse my lack of knowledge regarding what is and isn't possible.

I'm looking for alternatives to Microsoft's SQL Server 2000 for implementation on my various clients' systems, which in the main are Windows boxes (NT and 2000, Workstations and/or Servers).

I've looked up various SQL databases, both commercial and 'free'. I have concluded that the commercial ones are too expensive (for my clients, that is. They don't like the idea of several thousand pounds up front, together with a couple of hundred to allow each client machine to connect. This means I'm losing potential business). Of the various 'free' ones, it seems only PostgreSQL has the power and functionality to handle the kind of requests that might end up being thrown at it (MySQL seems to me to be not much more than a backend data store at the moment, meaning too much validation, etc, would have to be done on the client end. I'm willing to be proven wrong about my assumption regarding it though. Similar issues surround other server SQL DBs too, as far as I can tell).

So, from what I gather of the PostgreSQL info on the site, it seems there is currently no installable Windows version of the program. Is this correct? Also, there seem to be two Windows alternatives available: A Cygwin version, and a C++ version (for version 7.3.2).

I don't like the idea of a Cygwin version, as it seems that the program is slower because Cygwin is acting as a Unix emulator on Windows. This will hog valuable resources (most machines it might go on will not be brand new high end servers!) There is also the issue that I am not at all familiar with Unix, so setting it up would be impossible using a Unix interface.

I am therefore looking at the C++ binaries, I think. Once compiled using Visual C++ (which version, 6.0 or .Net?), what am I left with? I know I will have to develop the front end myself, but what or how is the PostgreSQL implmented on the Windows 'server' box?

I presume the standard C++ data connection methods are used to communicate to the server. I gather that ASP is not available to communicate from a web point of view, so php would be the alternative?

Any help, particularly pointers to clear and helpful guides on using PostgreSQL in the above C++ manner, would be much appreciated.

If it isn't 'the done thing' to use PostgreSQL in the way I'm planning (effectively to provide it to clients, though obviously I wouldn't (and don't believe the Open License allows me) to charge them for it), then please let me know. I'm not out to offend either the Open Source or closed source communities - I'm just trying to make things cheaper, and perhaps better, for my clients.


Ian J.

Re: Looking at PostgreSQL as alternative to MS SQL Server 2000

On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, Ian J. wrote:

> I'm completely new to PostgreSQL, so please excuse my lack of knowledge
> regarding what is and isn't possible.
> I'm looking for alternatives to Microsoft's SQL Server 2000 for
> implementation on my various clients' systems, which in the main are
> Windows boxes (NT and 2000, Workstations and/or Servers).

One thing I would look into, does the database have to sit
on a Windows box?  If all your client cares about, is that
the front-end applications are on Windows and that the
database understands ODBC, you may be able to put PostgreSQL
(or other) on a more native OS than Windows.


Re: Looking at PostgreSQL as alternative to MS SQL Server 2000

Josh Berkus

> seems to me to be not much more than a backend data store at the moment,
> meaning too much validation, etc, would have to be done on the client
> end. I'm willing to be proven wrong about my assumption regarding it
> though. Similar issues surround other server SQL DBs too, as far as I
> can tell).

Not that PostgreSQL isn't superior <grin>, but you should also check out
SAP-DB and Firebird (formerly Interbase Open Source), which are full-services
OSS databases.

> So, from what I gather of the PostgreSQL info on the site, it seems
> there is currently no installable Windows version of the program. Is
> this correct? Also, there seem to be two Windows alternatives available:
> A Cygwin version, and a C++ version (for version 7.3.2).

Correct.  The Windows "port" of PostgreSQL is still in development and is
expected to the stable in a few months.   If you can wait 'til
August-September for real development, then you're fine.

> I presume the standard C++ data connection methods are used to
> communicate to the server. I gather that ASP is not available to
> communicate from a web point of view, so php would be the alternative?

There are all sorts of reasons not to use ASP, but lack of PostgreSQL
compatibility isn't one of them.  You can use ASP + pgODBC if you like.

> If it isn't 'the done thing' to use PostgreSQL in the way I'm planning
> (effectively to provide it to clients, though obviously I wouldn't (and
> don't believe the Open License allows me) to charge them for it), then
> please let me know. I'm not out to offend either the Open Source or
> closed source communities - I'm just trying to make things cheaper, and
> perhaps better, for my clients.

You are welcome (even encouraged) to charge whatever you want for PostgreSQL
service and development.   The license even allows you to charge for
PostgreSQL itself, you just have to look for gullable clients who don't know
they can download it for free.  For that matter, you can "roll up" PostgreSQL
as a component of a larger proprietary system and charge for that ... the
license doesn't prevent you.   Heck, it's how I make a living.

-Josh Berkus
 Aglio Database Solutions
 San Francisco

Re: Looking at PostgreSQL as alternative to MS SQL Server

Ben Clewett
Josh Berkus wrote:

> There are all sorts of reasons not to use ASP, but lack of PostgreSQL
> compatibility isn't one of them.  You can use ASP + pgODBC if you like.


I am interested to know why you consider ASP not worth it?

I have never yet used this, I like c++ for CGI coding as it's fast,
secure if correctly used and powerful.  It also takes a long time to
code and my be buggy.

With increased performance in OS platforms available, and the ability to
cast much of the processing into PostgreSQL procedures, I have been
looking into ASP.NET (with Npgsql), which although a little slow, and
seems to turn a thin client Browser into a thick client Javascript
encyclopaedia:  It does seem to have the ability to quickly produce
relatively bug free code which presents it self well.  Which is a
commercial environment can be deceptively inviting.

Or maybe this is like the Greek Mythological Sirens.  The song of
Microsoft calling programmers to steer their projects towards their
beautiful singing, only to smash their applications against the rocks
with the loss of all life...