Обсуждение: "Unknown DBI error" when trying to view data on some tables...


"Unknown DBI error" when trying to view data on some tables...

"Sergio L. Garza M."

I have been trying to install Website Replicator 5.17 (WSR) on my server and
am having a bit of trouble.

Some tables that the script installation program installs give me a "Unknown
DBI error" message when I try to view the data of those tables through my
server's Webmin control panel.

Something must be wrong with those tables because from WSR's control panel,
when I try to open a page that needs that table information, it sends me to
a blank screen on my browser and nothing happens.

PostgreSQL was installed from a Redhat package.  All packages are latest
versions of all programs have been installed.

Does anyone know why I get these errors in only some tables and how I could
fix them?

My server information is the following:

Redhat Linux Enterprise 2.1AS
Webmin 1.121
PostgreSQL 7.2.4
Perl 5.6.1
DBI 1.39 Perl Module

Just in case, here are some examples of the tables that give me an "Unknown
DBI error" message (in Webmin) when I try to View the Data.  Again, I don't
think it's webmin's problem because the script will not work when it calls
these tables.

Table:  index_transaction

Field name      Type          Array?  Allow nulls?
id              int4          No      No
engine          int4          No      No
system          int4          No      No
trans_type      int4          No      No
method          int4          No      No
interval        varchar(5)    No      Yes
condition       int4          Yes     No
recipient       int4          No      No
extra           int4          Yes     Yes
amount          numeric       Yes     Yes
commission      numeric       Yes     Yes
name            varchar(150)  No      No
description     text          No      Yes

Table:  index_trigger

Field name      Type          Array?  Allow nulls?
id              int4          No      No
engine          int4          No      No
system          int4          No      No
block_process   int4          No      No
allow_repeat    int4          No      No
repeat_interval varchar(5)    No      Yes
type            int4          No      No
condition       int4          Yes     No
action          int4          No      No
extra           int4          Yes     Yes
extra_text      text          No      Yes
name            varchar(150)  No      No

Table:  summary_member

Field name      Type          Array?  Allow nulls?
id              int4          No      No
month           date          No      No
total_members   int4          No      No
type_totals     int4          Yes     No
status_totals   int4          Yes     No

I would greatly appreciate any feedback on how to fix this problem.


Sergio L. Garza M.