Обсуждение: question regarding contrib/tablefunc


question regarding contrib/tablefunc

Michael Swierczek
I've searched the archives pretty well, but if there was a previous answer to my question, I'm not smart enough to understand it.  :)

I have to replicate the Access TRANSFORM..PIVOT functionality.   The documentation in <src>/contrib/tablefunc enabled me to do this with the crosstab(src SQL, cat SQL) function, but it does 90% of my work for me without the last 10%.

I get something workable, but it looks like this:
SELECT * FROM crosstab (
      'SELECT questionnaire_id, question_code, answer_value
      FROM db WHERE test_id='X'
      ORDER by 1',
      'SELECT DISTINCT question_code
      FROM db WHERE test_id='X'
      ORDER BY 1')
     (questionnaire_id text, <first_distinct_ question_code> text, <second_distinct_question_code> text,
     <third_distinct_question_code> text, ...
     <eighty_seventh_distinct_question_code> text);

I have three dozen different test_id's to parse through, and almost 1000 distinct question codes with each.  If I use the format above, my crosstab queries will be HUGE. 

Basically, I just want my AS (...) to contain my questionnaire_id and then the resulting list of distinct question codes.  I can write a Perl or Java command line application to take the output from 'SELECT DISTINCT question_code FROM db WHERE test_id='X' ORDER BY 1' and generate the crosstab query text for me, but I would imagine there's a way to set things up so I would not have to. 

I would really appreciate any help.   Thanks.


PS It's been two weeks since I started a new job that involved database work with postgreSQL.  So far, I'm quite impressed with the man pages and documentation.   Thank you to everyone involved.