Обсуждение: PostgreSQL Update + (PGISDBRU) PGSQL is Slow Debunked by Real Users


PostgreSQL Update + (PGISDBRU) PGSQL is Slow Debunked by Real Users


here is an interesting thread regarding speed


bottom line - some real life users have compared pgsql
to mysql in *some* cases and pgsql was faster.

imho, both are acceptably fast for the vast majority
of applications (which is why i went with features -
not the least of which was the license) and if it gets
so big it grinds to a halt, you are likely in the
commercial db space, anyway.

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Re: PostgreSQL Update + (PGISDBRU) PGSQL is Slow Debunked by Real Users

"Andrej Ricnik-Bay"
On 5/25/06, operationsengineer1@yahoo.com
> imho, both are acceptably fast for the vast majority
> of applications (which is why i went with features -
> not the least of which was the license) and if it gets
> so big it grinds to a halt, you are likely in the
> commercial db space, anyway.
/me has seen highly expensive, poorly designed Oracle implementations
on amazing hardware grind to a halt ... :}

Re: PostgreSQL Update + (PGISDBRU) PGSQL is Slow Debunked by Real Users

> On 5/25/06, operationsengineer1@yahoo.com
> > imho, both are acceptably fast for the vast
> majority
> > of applications (which is why i went with features
> -
> > not the least of which was the license) and if it
> gets
> > so big it grinds to a halt, you are likely in the
> > commercial db space, anyway.
> /me has seen highly expensive, poorly designed
> Oracle implementations
> on amazing hardware grind to a halt ... :}

touche!  from what i could tell, the fix was mostly to
prevent bad php developing from allowing sql
injection.  iow, it wasn't an inherent problem in
pgsql assuming good programming practices...  using
bind variables in your queries.

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Re: PostgreSQL Update + (PGISDBRU) PGSQL is Slow Debunked

Brad Nicholson
operationsengineer1@yahoo.com wrote:
> http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/05/23/2228225
> here is an interesting thread regarding speed
> issues...
> http://developers.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=186493&threshold=1&commentsort=0&mode=thread&cid=15391068
> bottom line - some real life users have compared pgsql
> to mysql in *some* cases and pgsql was faster.

You can design easily design test cases that will show one database to
be faster than the other.  Fact is, most of those "Database A is faster
than Database B" shoot out articles are written by people who don't
understand databases.  As for a lot of the people who talk about
databases on Slashdot, well, I won't go there.

Most of these comparisons use base, untuned configurations, do a trivial
set of operations, and jump to conclusions about which database is faster.

MySQL is faster than Postgres in some cases.  That doesn't make MySQL a
faster database than Postgres, it just makes it faster in some cases.
Try hitting MySQL with a highly concurrent load and see what happens.

Brad Nicholson  416-673-4106
Database Administrator, Afilias Canada Corp.