Обсуждение: cannot remove column + no error msg


cannot remove column + no error msg

Bram Kuijper
Hi all,

sorry for the clutter, but cannot find a good answer to this problem in
the mailinglist archives:

If I execute either of both commands (I run postgresql 8.1.4 on Ubuntu

# ALTER TABLE table_name DELETE COLUMN column
# ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column

nothing happens... if I do

# \d table_name,

all columns are still nicely present, like nothing happened at all.

In the pgsql-docs, I found that columns are not physically removed but
made only unvisible to SQL commands. However, I DO want to physically
remove those columns, since they are empty anyway. But apparently no way
how to do it. Does anybody knows a way how to proceed?

Second question is related to that. If I type any bogus (e.g.
"sflkjdslkfj") onto the psql commandline, PostgreSQL remains silent.
This is nice in some cases, but is there a way to let it do some error
checking on the bogus I type? I am not used to commandlines that just
swallow text and don't warn for any errors, giving me the idea that the
it is apparently correct. Anybody any idea to change some configuration

thanks in advance,

Re: cannot remove column + no error msg

"A. Kretschmer"
am  Mon, dem 11.12.2006, um 16:11:24 +0100 mailte Bram Kuijper folgendes:
> Hi all,
> sorry for the clutter, but cannot find a good answer to this problem in
> the mailinglist archives:
> If I execute either of both commands (I run postgresql 8.1.4 on Ubuntu
> GNU/linux):
> # ALTER TABLE table_name DELETE COLUMN column
> # ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column

You are in the psql-tool?

The first syntax is wrong, the latter are okay, but you need a ';' on
the linend.

> nothing happens... if I do
> # \d table_name,

test=# \d foobar
    Table "public.foobar"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers
 id     | integer |
 a      | integer |
 b      | integer |
 c      | integer |

test=# alter table foobar drop column c;
test=*# \d foobar
    Table "public.foobar"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers
 id     | integer |
 a      | integer |
 b      | integer |

Andreas Kretschmer
Kontakt:  Heynitz: 035242/47215,   D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: -> Header)
GnuPG-ID:   0x3FFF606C, privat 0x7F4584DA   http://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net

Re: cannot remove column + no error msg

"Daniel T. Staal"
On Mon, December 11, 2006 10:11 am, Bram Kuijper said:

> Second question is related to that. If I type any bogus (e.g.
> "sflkjdslkfj") onto the psql commandline, PostgreSQL remains silent.
> This is nice in some cases, but is there a way to let it do some error
> checking on the bogus I type? I am not used to commandlines that just
> swallow text and don't warn for any errors, giving me the idea that the
> it is apparently correct. Anybody any idea to change some configuration
> parameters?

More related than you think, probably...

An SQL statement is terminated by a semicolon, and nothing else.  Until
the statement is ended, there is no error.  I bet if you type bogus
characters into psql and finish with a ; it will give you an error.

Daniel T. Staal

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expire 5 years after the author's death, or in 30 years,
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local copyright law.

Re: cannot remove column + no error msg

Tom Lane
"Daniel T. Staal" <DStaal@usa.net> writes:
> On Mon, December 11, 2006 10:11 am, Bram Kuijper said:
>> Second question is related to that. If I type any bogus (e.g.
>> "sflkjdslkfj") onto the psql commandline, PostgreSQL remains silent.

> More related than you think, probably...

> An SQL statement is terminated by a semicolon, and nothing else.  Until
> the statement is ended, there is no error.  I bet if you type bogus
> characters into psql and finish with a ; it will give you an error.

Also, backslash commands take a different path --- it's possible to
execute \d for example while psql still thinks it's accumulating a
multi-line SQL command to send when it finally sees a semicolon.

            regards, tom lane