Обсуждение: Re: http://localhost/phpPgAdmin/


Re: http://localhost/phpPgAdmin/

Kenneth Porter
[posted and mailed]

jatrojoomla <jatrojoomla@gmail.com> wrote in news:1193657756.847457.305150

> HI All!
> I am trying to login at http://localhost/phpPgAdmin/, but unable to
> logged in
> I use standared compilation which stated at manual. It's cool
> installation.
> 1. Is it not possible to by pass login
> 2. what is standared user name & password to enter
> 3. where is the configure file to change & what

What platform and what versions of PostgreSQL and phpPgAdmin?

Check the pg_hba.conf file to make sure you have connection rights.

The installation for your platform should have run some kind of script to
create the initial database, and that should set the initial
username/password. (On CentOS 5, it's user "postgres" with no password.)