Обсуждение: user defined data type


user defined data type

vikas vashista

my aim is to put a the UPDATE operation result showing which field updated with having details of field name, old value & new vale.
i had written the trigger for it, and that working fine.
But for a very large database i want to use array for dynamic length.
I want to create user defined data type and want to used in array type for input the output of my trigger of UPDATE operation.

how can i built user defined data type?
how can i used my user defined data type for array?

with regrds

Re: user defined data type

vikas vashista
thanx for your reply.

but my problem not solved till yet as i stated in previous mail.
I'm give more details of problem.

I had build a user define data type as
CREATE TYPE compfoo AS (f1 int, f2 text);

after that i had created a table AUDIT in which the fields are
(tablename of varchar, operation of varchar, and datachange of compfoo[])
but when i tried to insert values in datachange field its showing e error.
tell how can we used user defined data types ?
and what the actual procedure to insert values in that particular field having user defined datatype?

with regrds



On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 7:07 PM, Michael Gould <mgould@intermodalsoftwaresolutions.net> wrote:

I think what you might be looking for is a domain which allows you to build custom data types.  That being said, you still have to use the normally defined data types to build yours from.  A good example would be a address data type which would have all of the components of a address in the data type, kind of like a structure.


"vikas vashista" <er.vikasvashista@gmail.com> wrote:


my aim is to put a the UPDATE operation result showing which field updated with having details of field name, old value & new vale.
i had written the trigger for it, and that working fine.
But for a very large database i want to use array for dynamic length.
I want to create user defined data type and want to used in array type for input the output of my trigger of UPDATE operation.

how can i built user defined data type?
how can i used my user defined data type for array?

with regrds


Michael Gould, Managing Partner
Intermodal Software Solutions, LLC
904.592.5250 fax