Обсуждение: float to numeric(7,3)


float to numeric(7,3)

Steve Horn
Have a very simple question, but cannot seem to find an answer anywhere.

Using the ST_Distance function from PostGIS (http://www.postgis.org/docs/ST_Distance.html) which returns a float.

I would like to return the result of this function rounded to 3 decimal places. What is the best way to do that?

Re: float to numeric(7,3)

Frank Bax
On 03/09/12 20:51, Steve Horn wrote:
> Have a very simple question, but cannot seem to find an answer anywhere.
> Using the ST_Distance function from PostGIS
> (http://www.postgis.org/docs/ST_Distance.html) which returns a float.
> I would like to return the result of this function rounded to 3 decimal
> places. What is the best way to do that?

Excellent question!  I had some trouble with this recently myself...

shared=> select version();

  PostgreSQL 9.0.4 on x86_64-unknown-openbsd5.0, compiled by GCC cc
(GCC) 4.2.1 20070719 , 64-bit
(1 row)

shared=> create function fl(int) returns float as $$ SELECT 3.0::float
shared=> select gettype(fl(1));
ERROR:  function gettype(double precision) does not exist
LINE 1: select gettype(fl(1));
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might
need to add explicit type casts.
shared=> select round(fl(1),2.0);
ERROR:  function round(double precision, numeric) does not exist
LINE 1: select round(fl(1),2.0);
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might
need to add explicit type casts.
shared=> select round(fl(1),2.0::float);
ERROR:  function round(double precision, double precision) does not exist
LINE 1: select round(fl(1),2.0::float);
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might
need to add explicit type casts.

shared=> \df round
                           List of functions
    Schema   | Name  | Result data type | Argument data types |  Type
  pg_catalog | round | double precision | double precision    | normal
  pg_catalog | round | numeric          | numeric             | normal
  pg_catalog | round | numeric          | numeric, integer    | normal


The error message indicates round(dp,dp)does not exist; yet '\df' says
there is.  What is the correct syntax for this?

Re: float to numeric(7,3)

Bryan Lee Nuse
Hello Steve,

Using the ST_Distance function from PostGIS (http://www.postgis.org/docs/ST_Distance.html) which returns a float.

I would like to return the result of this function rounded to 3 decimal places. What is the best way to do that?

I can't claim it's the best way, but have you tried the following?  Substituting a different function for ST_Distance, for this example:

     sar=> SELECT round(pi()::numeric,3);

     (1 row)

If you want to specify the number of decimal places using round(), you have to cast the value as numeric. 
You could cast the result directly to numeric(7,3) if you wanted:

     sar=> SELECT (pi()*1000)::numeric(7,3);

     (1 row)

...but that will fail if your value is too large:

     sar=> SELECT (pi()*10000)::numeric(7,3);
     ERROR:  numeric field overflow
     DETAIL:  A field with precision 7, scale 3 must round to an absolute value less than 10^4.

Hope that helps,

Re: float to numeric(7,3)

Tom Lane
Frank Bax <fbax@sympatico.ca> writes:
> On 03/09/12 20:51, Steve Horn wrote:
>> Have a very simple question, but cannot seem to find an answer anywhere.
>> Using the ST_Distance function from PostGIS
>> (http://www.postgis.org/docs/ST_Distance.html) which returns a float.
>> I would like to return the result of this function rounded to 3 decimal
>> places. What is the best way to do that?

> Excellent question!  I had some trouble with this recently myself...

Uh, just cast it:

    select somefunction(...)::numeric(7,3) from ...

The "::typename" locution for casting is a Postgres-ism.  If you prefer
to stick to SQL-standard spellings, then write

    select cast(somefunction(...) as numeric(7,3)) from ...

As far as the other issue goes:

> shared=> select round(fl(1),2.0);
> ERROR:  function round(double precision, numeric) does not exist
> [ and assorted variants of that ]

> shared=> \df round
>                            List of functions
>     Schema   | Name  | Result data type | Argument data types |  Type
> ------------+-------+------------------+---------------------+--------
>   pg_catalog | round | double precision | double precision    | normal
>   pg_catalog | round | numeric          | numeric             | normal
>   pg_catalog | round | numeric          | numeric, integer    | normal

> The error message indicates round(dp,dp)does not exist; yet '\df' says
> there is.  What is the correct syntax for this?

No, \df says that the only two-argument form of round() takes numeric
and integer as parameters.  Everything you tried involved float or
numeric spellings of the second parameter.  There's no implicit downcast
from those types to integer, so the parser won't match these calls to
that function.  Also, there's no implicit cast from float or double
precision to numeric (there's one in the other direction), so if you
were working with a function that returns float or dp then you'd
additionally need to cast its result to numeric.  So the formula that
works is something like

regression=# select round(sin(2)::numeric, 4);
(1 row)

The only real advantage of this form over a simple cast to
length-limited numeric is you don't have to constrain the number of
digits before the decimal point ...

            regards, tom lane