Обсуждение: Warning console code page (437) differs from Window code page (1252)


Warning console code page (437) differs from Window code page (1252)

Previously I wrote
>Just a note for Windows XP users
>I had a drama with psql 
>At boot up this psql warning appeared
>Warning console code page (437) differs from Window code page (1252)

>I found the runsql.bat file and added 
>cmd.exe /c chcp 0437
>to the top and saved it

>When run the runsql.bat file reset the code page, returned
>"Active code page 437",
>got rid of the warning and psql began working (coincidence?)
Resetting the console code page to 437 worked for a while then the pesky warning came back.
I then changed the runsql.bat file command to
cmd.exe /c chcp 1252
The console recognised the change and logically the warning disappeared.
hopefully forever!
Regards John