Обсуждение: COPY, Triggers and visibility into pg_tables


COPY, Triggers and visibility into pg_tables

Ken LaCrosse
Howdy all,

I've got a COPY statement:
COPY fp_eitem_price_parent (sku, store_number, effective_date, reg_for_qty, reg_price) 
FROM 'C:\Projects\Raleys\postgres\partitions\upload\ec_weekly.113.upl' (FORMAT text, DELIMITER '|', NULL '')
which causes a CREATE OR REPLACE trigger to fire.

This trigger will create a DB table based on a couple of parameters in the line being copied into the database.  The way it's determining whether to create the table is to do a query against the pg_tables view looking for the table name.  I had assumed that once the CREATE TABLE had executed that the next time I queried the pg_tables view that I would find an entry for the new table.  Turns out that's not the case.

I'm assuming (dangerous I know) that the query is not finding the new pg_tables entry because the COPY command is operating under a transaction and no database changes will be seen until it completes.  In any event the next row in the file that's being copied into the database also tries to create the new table which then causes the pgplsql code to abort.  

My question is this:
If I can't query the pg_tables view to determine that I've already created the table how should I determine if the table already exists?  The trigger is being called for each row being copied and I don't see any obvious ways to maintain state between trigger calls so that the first trigger execution could inform the inform subsequent executions that the table has already been created.  Any ideas? 

Thanks in advance.

Ken LaCrosse | Enterprise Architect
500 West Capitol Avenue
West Sacramento, California 95605-2696
   P: 916.373.6571 | F: 916.373.6553
   E: klacross

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Re: COPY, Triggers and visibility into pg_tables

Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2012-06-18 at 16:21 -0700, Ken LaCrosse wrote:
> This trigger will create a DB table based on a couple of parameters in
> the line being copied into the database.  The way it's determining
> whether to create the table is to do a query against the pg_tables
> view looking for the table name.  I had assumed that once the CREATE
> TABLE had executed that the next time I queried the pg_tables view
> that I would find an entry for the new table.  Turns out that's not
> the case.

It appears that can work:

drop table test1;
drop table a;

create or replace function a_trigger_func() returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
  perform 1 from pg_tables where tablename='test1';
  if found then
    raise notice 'table already exists';
    raise notice 'table does not exist, creating it...';
    create table test1(i int);
  end if;
  perform 1 from test1;
  return NULL;

create table a(i int);

create trigger a_trigger after insert on a
  for each row execute procedure a_trigger_func();

foo=# insert into a values (1), (2);
NOTICE:  table does not exist, creating it...
NOTICE:  table already exists
foo=# select * from a;
(2 rows)

foo=# select * from test1;
(0 rows)

Can you post a self-contained case where it doesn't work as you expect?

    Jeff Davis

Re: COPY, Triggers and visibility into pg_tables

Ken LaCrosse
The problem was in my use of a quote_literal instead of a quote_ident when checking for the existence of the table.

Thanks for the example it helped me figure out what was wrong.


Ken LaCrosse | Enterprise Architect
500 West Capitol Avenue
West Sacramento, California 95605-2696
   P: 916.373.6571 | F: 916.373.6553
   E: klacross

We're just here to help.™ Visit www.raleys.com for blogs, recipes and savings.

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Jeff Davis <pgsql@j-davis.com> wrote:
On Mon, 2012-06-18 at 16:21 -0700, Ken LaCrosse wrote:
> This trigger will create a DB table based on a couple of parameters in
> the line being copied into the database.  The way it's determining
> whether to create the table is to do a query against the pg_tables
> view looking for the table name.  I had assumed that once the CREATE
> TABLE had executed that the next time I queried the pg_tables view
> that I would find an entry for the new table.  Turns out that's not
> the case.

It appears that can work:

drop table test1;
drop table a;

create or replace function a_trigger_func() returns trigger
language plpgsql as $$
 perform 1 from pg_tables where tablename='test1';
 if found then
   raise notice 'table already exists';
   raise notice 'table does not exist, creating it...';
   create table test1(i int);
 end if;
 perform 1 from test1;
 return NULL;

create table a(i int);

create trigger a_trigger after insert on a
 for each row execute procedure a_trigger_func();

foo=# insert into a values (1), (2);
NOTICE:  table does not exist, creating it...
NOTICE:  table already exists
foo=# select * from a;
(2 rows)

foo=# select * from test1;
(0 rows)

Can you post a self-contained case where it doesn't work as you expect?

       Jeff Davis

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