Обсуждение: PostGreSQL and NodeJS


PostGreSQL and NodeJS

I am exploring how best to access a PostGreSQL/PostGIS DB from NodeJS. All I
need is simple SQL SELECT queries. Nothing more complex than:

SELECT * FROM portal.catalog AS cat
 WHERE ST_Intersects(st_geogfromtext('SRID=4326;POLYGON((20 50 ,19 50,19
49,20 50 ))'), cat.gpoly) LIMIT 5000;

This will be on a windows7 or windows2008 server, running PostGreSQL
9.2/PostGIS 2.0, The traffic will be pretty light (only a few requests per

Some preliminary research I have done has come up with the following
potential directions. But I was interested in hearing from others what is
working for them (as an easy implementation).

1. https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres (But I am having trouble building
it do to firewall issues), Supposed the "pure" solution is better, but I am
having issues there also) https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres-pure

2. http://www.infoq.com/articles/the_edge_of_net_and_node (And then I guess
I would write my own ADO.NET adapter to PostGreSQL)

3. I have also seen references to ODBC for NodeJS (unclear if this is the
way to go)

4. Is there something like the SQL adapter for NodeJS?

5. There was also a full blown ORM by EntitySpaces (which went bankrupt).
Now a defunct opensource project:

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