Обсуждение: No password supplied error when running a batch script as a programmed task


No password supplied error when running a batch script as a programmed task

I wonder if this question belongs here. Please let me know in order to look for another place to ask.

I have PostgreSQL installed on Windows Server 2008 R2 and wrote a batch script to get a backup of a database. Such a script must run automatically so I created a task in the Task Scheduler which runs under the Administrator account. This task fails running the batch script and provides the following message:

fe_sendauth: no password supplied

However, if I run the script directly double clicking of it, the batch executes successfully. The pgpass.conf file is also correct, otherwise, the batch script would not run manually.

I will very much appreciate your feedback.

The batch has the following instructions:

echo off
cd "D:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin"

SET mes=%date:~3,2%
SET dia=%date:~0,2%
SET anio=%date:~6,4%

IF %TIME:~0,2% LSS 10 (SET hra=0%TIME:~1,1%) ELSE (SET hra=%TIME:~0,2%)
IF %TIME:~3,2% LSS 10 (SET min=0%TIME:~4,1%) ELSE (SET min=%TIME:~3,2%)

echo on
time /t
rem echo off
pg_dump -E win1252 -f d:/respaldos/edocuments/edoc_%anio%%mes%%dia%_%hra%%min%.backup -F p -n edocuments -h localhost -U postgres -w edocuments
pg_dump -E win1252 -f z:/respaldos/edocumentsdb/edoc_%anio%%mes%%dia%_%hra%%min%.backup -F p -n edocuments -h localhost -U postgres -w edocuments
echo on
time /t
rem echo off

Re: No password supplied error when running a batch script as a programmed task

Frank Pinto
I haven't used PostgreSQL in Windows but I know in Unix based systems the pgpass file is located in your home folder. Where is it on Windows? If its in your user account's folder then try checking to see what user the Task Scheduler's tasks run as, it could be looking for a global pgpass file that doesn't exist.


On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 12:45 PM, JORGE MALDONADO <jorgemal1960@gmail.com> wrote:
I wonder if this question belongs here. Please let me know in order to look for another place to ask.

I have PostgreSQL installed on Windows Server 2008 R2 and wrote a batch script to get a backup of a database. Such a script must run automatically so I created a task in the Task Scheduler which runs under the Administrator account. This task fails running the batch script and provides the following message:

fe_sendauth: no password supplied

However, if I run the script directly double clicking of it, the batch executes successfully. The pgpass.conf file is also correct, otherwise, the batch script would not run manually.

I will very much appreciate your feedback.

The batch has the following instructions:

echo off
cd "D:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin"

SET mes=%date:~3,2%
SET dia=%date:~0,2%
SET anio=%date:~6,4%

IF %TIME:~0,2% LSS 10 (SET hra=0%TIME:~1,1%) ELSE (SET hra=%TIME:~0,2%)
IF %TIME:~3,2% LSS 10 (SET min=0%TIME:~4,1%) ELSE (SET min=%TIME:~3,2%)

echo on
time /t
rem echo off
pg_dump -E win1252 -f d:/respaldos/edocuments/edoc_%anio%%mes%%dia%_%hra%%min%.backup -F p -n edocuments -h localhost -U postgres -w edocuments
pg_dump -E win1252 -f z:/respaldos/edocumentsdb/edoc_%anio%%mes%%dia%_%hra%%min%.backup -F p -n edocuments -h localhost -U postgres -w edocuments
echo on
time /t
rem echo off