Обсуждение: Re: How to configure iodbc access to local postgres db?


Re: How to configure iodbc access to local postgres db?

Hiroshi Inoue
Rob Yampolsky wrote:
> Told you it was something stupid.  Turns out I was using the wrong
> Postgres ODBC driver.  My MDK 7.2 installation had 2 things that looked
> like the driver.
> /usr/lib/libpsqlodbc.so

This is the driver for iODBC.

> and
> /usr/lib/libodbcpsql.so

This is the driver for unixODBC.

> The correct one seems to be libodbcpsql

You have to choose the driver according to the driver manager.

> I had tried both, and originally using libodbcpsql caused a segmentation
> violation, so I had been concentrating my efforts on the other one.
> Well, I ended up following the setup instructions in the unixODBC package
> documentation to get it working under that package.  Once it worked
> there, I was able to get it working with libiodbc (which my application
> was using).
> Hint- it wants you to specify a UserName in .odbc.ini (you'd think it

Isn't it Username not UserName ?

> would default to the 'current user').

Hiroshi Inoue